Showing 1405–1422 of 8000 results
Brigitte Fitness – Power Yoga HD – upmc mobile
$4.99Der Name ist Programm: Die in der iPad-App enthaltenen „Power Yoga“-Videos schenken Kraft, Ausdauer, Gelassenheit und viel frische Energie – für ein besseres Körpergefühl, das spür- und sichtbar ist! Einfach downloaden und immer und überall „Power Yoga“ üben. Nach dem Runterladen ist keine Online-Verbindung zum Abspielen der Filme in top HD-Qualität mehr nötig. Nicht nur halb Hollywood schwört auf die Erfolgsmethode nach Bryan Kest. Die dynamisch-kraftvollen „Power Yoga“-Flows machen fit und stark, formen den Körper schön schlank und straff. Er wird beweglicher, belastbarer und strahlt von Innen heraus. Beim Üben im Rhythmus des eigenen Atems kommen die Gedanken zudem zur Ruhe, Stress fällt ab und Verspannungen werden gelöst. Die „Power Yoga“-App eignet sich perfekt für Anfänger wie Fortgeschrittene. Yoga-Neulinge profitieren von einem ausgewogenen Einsteiger-Programm sowie ergänzenden Erklärungen zum richtigen Üben und Atmen. Wer schon Erfahrung hat, wählt einfach das intensivere Aufbauprogramm. Zwei Kurzprogramme bieten zudem tolle Yoga-Übungen mit wenig Zeitaufwand. Doch damit nicht genug: Nur mit der App können die Einzelübungen auch einfach und schnell zu eigenen Lieblingsworkouts zusammengestellt werden. So lässt sich „Power Yoga“ noch leichter an persönliche Wünsche und Vorlieben anpassen! Alle Videos wurden in gestochen scharfer HD-Auflösung gedreht. Entwickelt wurde das Programm von Andrea „Qbi“ Kubasch. Die bekannte Hamburger Yogalehrerin war Schülerin des amerikanischen Power-Yoga-Erfinders Bryan Kest und zählt im In- und Ausland zu den bekanntesten Botschafterinnen dieses Stils. App-Inhalt: Einleitung (3 Min.) Atemtechnik (2 Min.) Einsteigerprogramm (43 Min.): - Warm-up (6:21) - Sonnengruß A (7:39) - Krieger-Sequenz (8:48) - Drehhaltungen (4:00) - Vorwärtsbeugen (6:35) - Tiefenentspannung (9:59) Aufbauprogramm (59 Min.): - Warm-up (6:21) - Sonnengruß A (7:39) - Sonnengruß B (7:08) - Kriegersequenz (8:48) - Drehhaltungen (4:00) - Rückbeugen (6:18) - Vorwärtsbeugen kurz (5:12) - Umkehrhaltung (3:47) - Tiefenentspannung (9:59) Morgen-Express (8 Min.): - Ein Teil des Sonnengrußes A (5:21) - Kurze Entspannung (2:20) Abend-Express (7 Min.) - Kleines Rad (1:08) - Halbe Kerze (5:43) Tiefenentspannung (10 Min.) Videos liegen in deutscher Sprache vor. Screenshots zeigen App unter iOS7. „Brigitte Power Yoga“ gibt es auch als iPhone-App. -
Brigitte Fitness YOGA – upmc mobile
$5.99Mehr Energie und Entspannung für den Alltag - 5 intensive Yoga-Workouts für jeden Typ, jeden Anspruch und jeden Geschmack! 5 Workouts, mehr als 100 Minuten: Dieses effektive Yogaprogramm vereint das Beste aus dem Yoga. Die Workouts sorgen für eine tolle Figur, eine starke Mitte, Kraft, Flexibilität und Entspannung. Neben dem beliebten Power-Yoga werden vier weitere abwechslungsreiche Yogaprogramme präsentiert. So ist für jeden Typ das richtige Workout dabei. Das Programm ist für alle geeignet, die intensiv erste Erfahrungen mit Yoga machen oder ihre Grundlagen vertiefen möchten. Finde dein Yoga! Wer Yoga macht, kann davon auf vielfältige Weise profitieren: Es fördert nicht nur die körperliche Fitness, sondern wirkt sich auch positiv auf das seelische Wohlbefinden aus. Stress wird abgebaut, Verspannungen lösen sich, und der ganze Körper wird gekräftigt. Diarra Diop hat für das Programm dieser App 5 Yoga-Workouts zusammengestellt, die all diese Aspekte berücksichtigen: Figur-Yoga-Mix - Ein effektives Ganzkörperprogramm für den intensiven Einstieg Power-Yoga - Fließende Übungen, die den Körper straffen und die Fettverbrennung ankurbeln Core-Yoga - Training für eine starke Mitte, einen flachen Bauch und eine schlanke Taille Faszien-Yoga - Löst Verspannungen durch Atemmeditation und sanfte Übungen für das wichtige Bindegewebe um Muskeln, Organe & Knochen Functional-Yoga - Über eine Stunde intensive Arbeit an der Figur – für Fortgeschrittene und Kenner. Für den Einstieg gibt es eine kurze Einführung sowie den Programmpunkt "Sonnengruß Slow", der speziell Einsteigern das Erlernen dieser Übungssequenz leicht macht, aber auch zur Wiederauffrischung geeignet ist. Individuelles Training leicht gemacht: Innerhalb der App können die Einzelübungen auch einfach und schnell zu eigenen Lieblingsworkouts zusammengestellt werden. So lässt sich Yoga noch leichter an persönliche Wünsche und Vorlieben anpassen! Alle Videos wurden in gestochen scharfer HD-Auflösung gedreht. Entwickelt wurde das Programm dieser App von Diarra Diop. Die zertifizierte Yogalehrerin lebt in Frankfurt am Main und unterrichtet dort Power Vinyasa Yoga. -
Bronchitis Medication and Total Health – VishalKumar Thakkar
$2.99This is Bronchitis MedicationApp . Pediatric Bronchitis: The Scourge of Childhood Bronchiolitis: The Bronchitis Version in Infant Medications That Can Battle Bronchitis Stopping Bronchitis with Medicines Download and Enjoy reading Boot Anger! -
Brooke Burke Body – BB Body, Inc.
$0.00Join Brooke Burke-Charvet, celebrity health and wellness guru, on a digital fitness journey to transform your body, one bite size burn at a time! Brooke Burke Body is an effective, easy to follow, high quality work out in bite-sized increments. If you want flat sexy abs, lean toned legs or a whole body make-over, this fitness program is for you! Brooke invites you into her intimate world of optimal living, where she will coach you on how to get and maintain a bikini body year round. Her proven fitness programs for lifting, sculpting and toning the body will help you slim down and shape up while simultaneously feel like the greatest version of yourself. Through this engaging, fun and practical whole being program, Brooke will let you in on all the fitness secrets she shares in her Malibu VIP Booty Burn class. Brooke Burke Body takes you on a visual experience from her tranquil Malibu backyard to the beach and up the California coast, with a special visit behind the scenes at work in the Hollywood entertainment biz. This inspirational program is designed to allow you to customize a work-out to fit your personal lifestyle. For example, choose a total body work out and stack extra abs or combine a Booty Burn with upper body awesome arms. Brooke will show you how to sweat yourself into a new body, anytime and anywhere with quick results. Learn to be stronger than your excuses and conquer health and fitness at home, outside, or even on vacation. Features: - Endless hours of workout combinations to tone and strengthen your body - Bite-size workout programs ranging from 5-30 minutes - No equipment needed - Beautiful HD streaming videos - Weekly new video uploads - Peak inside Brooke’s intimate life - Dynamic duo workout videos featuring Brooke and guest fitness experts This inspirational program was designed for people with limited time, striving for real results. Brooke invites you to travel with her on this digital fitness journey where, together, you will sweat into the best shape of your life and enjoy a leaner, healthier and sexier you! Subscribe to Brooke Burke Body for $7.99 a month, auto-renewing monthly*, or $79.99 a year, auto-renewing annually*. Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - * All payments will be paid through your iTunes Account and may be managed under Account Settings after the initial payment. Subscription payments will automatically renew unless deactivated at least 24-hours before the end of the current cycle. Your account will be charged for renewal at least 24-hours prior to the end of the current cycle. Any unused portion of your free trial will be forfeited upon payment. Cancellations are incurred by disabling auto-renewal. -
Brooks Family YMCA – Daxko LLC
$0.00Stay connected no matter where you are! • Stay up to date with the latest announcements and organizational news for your chosen location. • Easily view schedules for each day and filter for the types of classes that you like. • Subscribe to push notifications and stay informed with notifications sent straight to your lock screen. • No more worrying about keeping up with your barcode or your kids’ barcodes, store them in the app for easy check-in. -
Bruce Treadmill Test Protocol – Catrnja Dev
$2.99The Bruce treadmill test protocol is a physical fitness test used to determine your cardiovascular fitness level along with your Vo2 Max (maximum oxygen uptake). This test is used by countless of different organizations and sports for testing their applicant’s ability to handle physically demanding activities. Main Features: - Multiple user profile supported - Share through Mail, Bluetooth, Facebook, SMS, Peep, Friend Stream - Vo2Max calculated and rated. - Runs in sleep mode. - Simple user interface. - Save or remove old results. -
Brush With Jackson HD – Rosie's Playtime
$3.99This is the high definition version of Brush With Jackson that takes advantage of the increased capabilities of the iPad. Brush with Jackson is an app in which Jackson Rabbit brushes his teeth alongside you in the bathroom or at the kitchen sink. With supervision children use Jackson as a timer to brush for the recommended 2-3 minutes, twice a day and have fun whilst doing it. Using Jackson in this way means you will be able to buy your child a good toothbrush to use and by using Jackson morning and night to keep them ‘on task’ your child should develop the healthy habit of keeping their teeth clean and shiny like Jackson. As well as addressing the need for tooth brushing in your children, Jackson will repeat what you say to him, giggle loudly when his tummy is tickled, squeal when poked in the tummy, wink an eye when it’s touched and twitch his nose when poked. Whilst amusing your child it will encourage self awareness of parts of the body and hand eye coordination. Jackson will also ‘play’ his toothbrush with various instrument sounds designed to amuse and entertain! The British Dental Journal featured an article about Brush With Jackson in its February 2012 edition. There will also be an article about it in Vital magazine. Here are some things that people have been saying about Brush With Jackson: Jenni Falconer (Scottish TV Broadcaster) on Twitter: "I have now given the Brush With Jackson app a go....IT'S AMAZING! Ella actually wants to brush her teeth! Thank you X" "My son is 8 and he loves this app! He treats Jackson more like a friend and loves to be able to brush his teeth with him. It's certainly more interesting than watching the electric toothbrush timer!" "Lovely app - great sounds and music, wonderful animation and the kids love to brush their teeth with Jackson" -
BSDR Player – Krasamo LLC
$9.99BSDR Player (Bilateral Sounds Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an application that generates bilateral beeps. It is based on bilateral stimulation (a way of stimulating the brain one side at a time) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). These techniques can produce a direct effect on the way the brain processes or re-processes past emotional experiences. You can use this application to aid in the treatment of traumas, process upsetting situations, disturbing thoughts, improve future performance, or simply feel better. Studies done with patients undergoing EMDR while in CAT scans have shown physiological changes in the brain that lead to adaptive changes in thinking and emotional self-regulation. "A study comparing the effectiveness of Prozac vs. EMDR showed that EMDR was more successful than Prozac in achieving substantial and sustained reductions in anxiety and depression." - The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, January 2007 -
BSU Workouts – Sidney Stewart
$2.99This is the only app in the world that generates a unique workout every time you use it. There are an infinite amount of possible workouts. Regardless of what your fitness level is, or what your end goal is, this app will provide a full & unique workout for you with 2 clicks of a button. The exercise database is comprised of over 150 exercises and is stored locally on your device for quick access anywhere in the world. -
BT Swatch – 深圳市阿尔法通讯技术有限公司
$0.00This application is mainly used for the BT Swatch (also with BLE peripheral support BLE distance induction and finding lost) This version includes the following functions. - start / stop intelligent watch alarm - Level 3 - to set the distance sensing - Open intelligent watch link alarm - Alarm and vibration sensor arranged on the short-range -
BT Watch – Pinguanda
$0.00这个程序主要用于蓝牙手表(也与BLE外围支持BLE距离感应和寻找丢失的) 此版本包括以下功能。 -启动/停止智能手表报警 3级-设置距离感测 -开放式智能手表连接报警 -在短距离内设置的报警和振动传感器 -支持计步器数据显示 -支持睡眠状况显示 -
Bubble Butt – Fit Challenge Pro – Try Sports Now, LLC
$9.99Take a month of great motivations to get the perfect Brazilian butt! Launch your buttocks transforming program today to put on a sexy tight dress or a bikini in a month only! The perfect combination of easy and effective exercises will tone and tighten your muscles. Motivational phrases and tips help you to achieve the finish tapes in any case! Three fitness levels: easy to start and super efficient to complete. Cross out the completed days using the built-in calendar to track the result. Go through the hottest challenge ever to get the real bubble butt! How to use: choose the fitness level or start from the beginner program. Check the detailed descriptions of the exercises and launch the program. Mark every step you do to track the progress. Turn on the useful notifications so you will never miss your workout time. Bubble Butt - Fit Challenge Features: - The most efficient butt exercises; - Increasing intensity to achieve the best results; - Motivational quotes and tips to reach the finish line; - Useful built-in calendar and statistic tracker; - Illustrated description to perform each exercise correctly. -
Buddha Balance – Sticky Wicket
$0.99Relax. Breathe deeply. Hold still so you don't fall off the mountain top. Buddha Balance combines relaxation with a game to stay in a meditative state as still and as long as possible. Earn prana and advance in levels of enlightenment. • Five difficulty levels • Set your own time goals • Set your own breathing speed • Relax and have fun -
Buddha's Brain – Stallic Ltd.
$4.99With the new breakthroughs in neuroscience, combined with insights from thousands of years of contemplative practice, you, too, can shape your own brain for greater happiness, love, and wisdom. Based on the bestselling book, Buddha’s Brain, this app will show you how to rewire your brain over time, including how to: · Take in good experiences to feel happier and more confident · Cool down stress, anxiety, sorrow, frustration, and anger · Energize the neural networks of compassion, empathy, and love – and clear out resentment, envy, guilt, and loss · Improve attention for daily life, mindfulness, and meditation · Feel more at one with the world, and less separate and vulnerable Your brain is the foundation of your well-being, relationships, and actions. If you can change your brain, you can change your life. (The app now also includes 40+ minutes of bonus audio content from Rick Hanson.) -
buddhify – mindfulness & meditation for modern life – Mindfulness Everywhere
$4.99buddhify is the mindfulness app for your modern life. Practical, playful and beautifully-designed, buddhify 2 increases your wellbeing by teaching you mindfulness-based meditation on the go. With over 11 hours of custom meditations for 15 different parts of your day including traveling, being online, taking a work break and going to sleep, buddhify 2 gives you a simple but effective way to bring more mindfulness and calm to your busy day. All included in just one simple price. Features: - 80+ custom guided audio meditation tracks - Tracks are designed for 14 activities such as sleep, work & difficult emotion - Tracks range from 5 - 30minutes - Solo meditation timer - Check-in system allows you to measure how you’re doing - Stats showing your usage and progress With more and more evidence that it can reduce stress and improve wellbeing, there has never been more interest in mindfulness and meditation. However even if you want to try it out, most people don’t have that much spare time, think meditation is a bit too hippy or don’t know where to start. buddhify solves all this. So if you ever thought meditation was not for you, this is the app that will change your mind. And all for the price of a cup of coffee. -
buddhify – modern meditation – Mindfulness Everywhere
$4.99Buddhify is here to help you bring more calm, clarity and kindness to all parts of your life. Whether you're looking to reduce stress and anxiety, or get a better night's sleep buddhify has easy-to-follow guided meditations to help you live happier and healthier. No need to find the time for a formal meditation session everyday, we'll show you how to bring mindfulness to all parts of your life with exercises for whatever you're doing and wherever you are - from travelling, taking a break at work or going to sleep. We'll help you find calm in any situation. And all for a low one-off cost with no recurring subscription. WHAT'S INCLUDED? - Over 200 meditations to help overcome life's challenges including anxiety, stress, sleep, pain and difficult emotions - Mindfulness exercises you can do wherever you are, in categories such as travelling, at work, waking up, eating, and even when you're online - Sessions for complete beginners and those with more experience, with lengths from 3-40 minutes - A solo timer for more seasoned meditators - A range of experienced teachers so you can choose the voice and style that's right for you - Brand new Kids content for the little people in your life WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING This app is incredible. I've been trying to get into meditation for a while now and I've found other apps or videos I've tried have been repetitive or not very good. The meditations on here are so easy to follow and the app is very user friendly. I'm always sceptical about spending money on apps but this one is so worth it. ****** I have used many meditation apps but like this one best because it offers a variety of guided meditations to use in different situations or for different purposes. They vary in the amount of time required so the app is very flexible. I also like the stats which encourage you to practice regularly. Plus I can add meditation that I do outside of the app and track that too. I highly recommend whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator. ***** HERE TO HELP Buddhify is made by an independent family business and we love hearing from you. Your feedback, suggestions and comments make all the hard work feel so worthwhile and makes the app better as we continue to make buddhify as effective, accessible and beautiful as it can be. Say -
buddhify – modern mindfulness for busy lives – Mindfulness Everywhere
$4.99buddhify is the mindfulness app for your modern life. Requires at least iPhone 5 and above, iOS 8 and above. Practical, playful and beautifully-designed, buddhify increases your wellbeing by teaching you mindfulness-based meditation on the go. With over 11 hours of custom meditations for 15 different parts of your day including traveling, being online, taking a work break and going to sleep, buddhify gives you a simple but effective way to bring more mindfulness and calm to your busy day. All included in just one simple price. Features: - 80+ custom guided audio meditation tracks - Tracks are designed for 14 activities such as sleep, work & difficult emotions - Tracks range from 5 - 30minutes - Solo meditation timer - Check-in system allows you to measure how you’re doing - Stats showing your usage and progress With more and more evidence that it can reduce stress and improve wellbeing, there has never been more interest in mindfulness and meditation. However even if you want to try it out, most people don’t have that much spare time, think meditation is a bit too hippy or don’t know where to start. buddhify solves all this. So if you ever thought meditation was not for you, this is the app that will change your mind. And all for the price of a cup of coffee. -
buddhify – modern mindfulness for busy lives – Mindfulness Everywhere
$4.99buddhify is the mindfulness app for your modern life. Requires at least iPhone 5 and above, iOS 8 and above. Practical, playful and beautifully-designed, buddhify increases your wellbeing by teaching you mindfulness-based meditation on the go. With over 11 hours of custom meditations for 15 different parts of your day including traveling, being online, taking a work break and going to sleep, buddhify gives you a simple but effective way to bring more mindfulness and calm to your busy day. All included in just one simple price. Features: - 80+ custom guided audio meditation tracks - Tracks are designed for 14 activities such as sleep, work & difficult emotions - Tracks range from 5 - 30minutes - Solo meditation timer - Check-in system allows you to measure how you’re doing - Stats showing your usage and progress With more and more evidence that it can reduce stress and improve wellbeing, there has never been more interest in mindfulness and meditation. However even if you want to try it out, most people don’t have that much spare time, think meditation is a bit too hippy or don’t know where to start. buddhify solves all this. So if you ever thought meditation was not for you, this is the app that will change your mind. And all for the price of a cup of coffee.