Showing 3889–3906 of 8004 results
Keep – 移动健身教练,自律给我自由 – Keep
$0.00【Keep 荣获 App Store 2015年度精选】 【App Store 官方推荐的移动健身工具】 「Keep」— 你的移动健身教练,随时随地练就完美身材。 健身中经常遇到的问题: - 工作太忙没有时间去健身房,家里又没有器械 - 健身房没有私教指导,不知道如何安全正确地开始健身 - 网上攻略太多,不知道哪个靠谱,练了之后没有效果 「Keep」解决的方式: - 根据用户场景、健身目的、有无器械编排各种训练计划,2分钟也可以完成一次健身训练 - 所有动作均配有视频,标准的动作演示和精确的语言描述带你快速入门 - 权威健身专家把控内容,为每个人制定科学的健身计划 「Keep」核心特点: - 量体裁衣,多种健身训练供你选择 训练计划针对不同人群、各种器械和阶段健身目标组合编排,适用最广泛的健身场景。 - 真人同步训练,记录训练记录 全程语音督导,自动同步进度,真正良好的体验是你永远不需要背动作、记组数。 - 精准跑步记录,让你的跑步更加系统 精准跑步路线记录,跑前热身与跑后拉伸,Keep提供更加完善和专业的跑步指导。 - 分享健身成果,一起进步 拍照记录每一天的变化,分享好友相互勉励,在Keep,健身不再是孤独的坚持。 热门课程: - 邹市明拳击燃脂 - 五维腹肌训练计划 - 腹肌撕裂者 - 人鱼线雕刻 - 瘦腿训练 - Tabata 4分钟燃脂 - 瑜伽 · 柔韧 - 办公室肩颈放松 - 俯卧撑入门 - 泡沫轴全身按摩 注意事项 - 由于跑步功能具有后台语音提醒,切换至后台播报时仍会保持 GPS 连接。语音播报可以帮助用户在切换至后台时会播报速度等相关参数,但是 GPS 在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。 - 持续使用跑步 GPS 在后台可能会衰减您的电池寿命。 #哪有什么天生如此,只是我们天天坚持# 如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请关注和联系: 微博 @Keep 微信公众号「gotokeep」 邮箱 Keep — 自律给我自由! -
Keep – 自由运动场 – Keep
$0.00【Keep 荣获 App Store 2015年度精选】 【App Store 官方推荐的移动健身工具】 「Keep」— 你的移动健身教练,随时随地练就完美身材。 健身中经常遇到的问题: - 工作太忙没有时间去健身房,家里又没有器械 - 健身房没有私教指导,不知道如何安全正确地开始健身 - 网上攻略太多,不知道哪个靠谱,练了之后没有效果 「Keep」解决的方式: - 根据用户场景、健身目的、有无器械编排各种训练计划,2分钟也可以完成一次健身训练 - 所有动作均配有视频,标准的动作演示和精确的语言描述带你快速入门 - 权威健身专家把控内容,为每个人制定科学的健身计划 「Keep」核心特点: - 量体裁衣,多种健身训练供你选择 训练计划针对不同人群、各种器械和阶段健身目标组合编排,适用最广泛的健身场景。 - 真人同步训练,记录训练记录 全程语音督导,自动同步进度,真正良好的体验是你永远不需要背动作、记组数。 - 精准跑步记录,让你的跑步更加系统 精准跑步路线记录,跑前热身与跑后拉伸,Keep提供更加完善和专业的跑步指导。 - 分享健身成果,一起进步 拍照记录每一天的变化,分享好友相互勉励,在Keep,健身不再是孤独的坚持。 热门课程: - 邹市明拳击燃脂 - 五维腹肌训练计划 - 腹肌撕裂者 - 人鱼线雕刻 - 瘦腿训练 - Tabata 4分钟燃脂 - 瑜伽 · 柔韧 - 办公室肩颈放松 - 俯卧撑入门 - 泡沫轴全身按摩 注意事项 - 由于跑步功能具有后台语音提醒,切换至后台播报时仍会保持 GPS 连接。语音播报可以帮助用户在切换至后台时会播报速度等相关参数,但是 GPS 在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。 - 持续使用跑步 GPS 在后台可能会衰减您的电池寿命。 - Keep 已接入 HealthKit,可同步训练数据到「健康」。 #哪有什么天生如此,只是我们天天坚持# 如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请关注和联系: 微博 @Keep 微信公众号「gotokeep」 邮箱 Keep — 自律给我自由! -
Keep My Run: Health Trainer, Calories Tracking, GPS Workout – MCV Consulting, LLC
$0.99Start your healthy life today! KeepMyRun is ideal for all people who want to get in shape without using any exercise equipment. Features: - Calories tracking - Real time map route - Activity log - On-screen instructions and timer - No internet access needed - Background mode - No ads Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. Run anytime, anywhere! 530c140b8d -
Keep My Run: Health Trainer, Calories Tracking, GPS Workout – MCV Consulting, LLC
$0.99Start your healthy life today! KeepMyRun is ideal for all people who want to get in shape without using any exercise equipment. Features: - Calories tracking - Real time map route - Activity log - On-screen instructions and timer - No internet access needed - Background mode - No ads Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. Run anytime, anywhere! 530c140b8d -
Keep 移动健身教练 – Keep
$0.00【Keep 荣获 App Store 2015年度精选】 【App Store 官方推荐的移动健身工具】 「Keep」— 你的移动健身教练,随时随地练就完美身材。 健身中经常遇到的问题: - 工作太忙没有时间去健身房,家里又没有器械 - 健身房没有私教指导,不知道如何安全正确地开始健身 - 网上攻略太多,不知道哪个靠谱,练了之后没有效果 「Keep」解决的方式: - 根据用户场景、健身目的、有无器械编排各种训练计划,2分钟也可以完成一次健身训练 - 所有动作均配有视频,标准的动作演示和精确的语言描述带你快速入门 - 权威健身专家把控内容,为每个人制定科学的健身计划 「Keep」核心特点: - 量体裁衣,多种健身训练供你选择 训练计划针对不同人群、各种器械和阶段健身目标组合编排,适用最广泛的健身场景。 - 真人同步训练,记录训练记录 全程语音督导,自动同步进度,真正良好的体验是你永远不需要背动作、记组数。 - 精准跑步记录,让你的跑步更加系统 精准跑步路线记录,跑前热身与跑后拉伸,Keep提供更加完善和专业的跑步指导。 - 分享健身成果,一起进步 拍照记录每一天的变化,分享好友相互勉励,在Keep,健身不再是孤独的坚持。 热门课程: - 邹市明拳击燃脂 - 五维腹肌训练计划 - 腹肌撕裂者 - 人鱼线雕刻 - 瘦腿训练 - Tabata 4分钟燃脂 - 瑜伽 · 柔韧 - 办公室肩颈放松 - 俯卧撑入门 - 泡沫轴全身按摩 注意事项 - 由于跑步功能具有后台语音提醒,切换至后台播报时仍会保持 GPS 连接。语音播报可以帮助用户在切换至后台时会播报速度等相关参数,但是 GPS 在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。 - 持续使用跑步 GPS 在后台可能会衰减您的电池寿命。 - Keep 已接入 HealthKit,可同步训练数据到「健康」。 #哪有什么天生如此,只是我们天天坚持# 如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请关注和联系: 微博 @Keep 微信公众号「gotokeep」 邮箱 Keep — 自律给我自由! -
KeepMyRun Pro: GPS Running, Walking, Cycling, Workout – MCV Consulting, LLC
$3.99Pro version. Start your healthy life today! KeepMyRun is ideal for all people who want to get in shape without using any exercise equipment. Features: - Calories tracking - Real time map route - Activity log - On-screen instructions and timer - No internet access needed - Background mode - No limits - No ads Run anytime, anywhere! -
Kegel Kat – Emma Assin
$2.99Making the mundane fun! The Kegel Kat reminds you to kegel daily and enjoy it! The app that puts the fun into those boring Kegels. We all know that Kegels are so important, but who can really be bothered to do them? Our app lets you choose between 3 fun modes: - Daily Squeeze - The simple daily routine - customize how many kegels you want to do and their length. Then simple squeeze along with the Kat! - Go Forever - See how many Kegels you can manage in a row! The Kat will save your high score and you can even share your achievement with Twitter! - Dance Dance - This mode is where things really get fun! Join the Kitty disco and try and keep up with the Kat's crazy rhythm as you kegel along to the music. Earn points as you go and you can share your best score with your friends! Includes instructions and advice from a health care professional, customizable speed settings and cute graphics and sounds :) -
Keiser M Series Pro – Keiser Corp.
$0.99The Keiser M Series app is a simple tool for collecting data from Keiser M Series equipment. Pro version adds FTP training and guided session designed by Keiser Master Trainers. For more information about this app or other Keiser products, please visit our website at -
Keiser M Series+ – Keiser Corp.
$0.99The Keiser M Series+ app is a great tool for advanced riders looking to training on Keiser M Series Intelligent equipment. Quickly connect to equipment and begin training with real time graphs for power, cadence range dials, FTP zones, and W/Kg ratios. App also includes guided sessions designed by Keiser Master Instructors. For more information about this app or other Keiser products, please visit our website at -
Kelvin Fit – Kozinga
$0.99I have always been in love with health and fitness and over the years have accumulated a wealth of knowledge. This app is my effort to share that knowledge with the world. Follow every workout and every meal of mine as I continue on my journey. Discover ways to change up your current routine, or simply follow mine! Wake up to daily motivation with inspirational and motivational quotes. -
Keto Diet : Fast Food App – Post799
$1.99Keto diet is a wonderful way to lose weight , lower blood sugar and get healthy. However, when it comes to dining out – the keto diet meal plan gets a little tricky. But no worries! Our app shows fast food items with low carbs and tells you how you can modify regular restaurant meal into a keto diet approved delicious food item . Each fast food item will display carbs , calories , fat and protein What else is in our app ? - 6 out of 10 restaurants in our app also show you a picture of keto -approved item. This way you can also see what it looks like before you get to a restaurant - Find Near Me GPS option let's you find closest restaurant - Add your favorite restaurant to your favorite list Right now, app has 10 fast food restaurants (please see screenshots) but we will add more restaurants to our app . Get our app now for introductory price and update for free later , check for free updates ! If you follow keto diet , you probably have a cookbook and recipes for keto meals at home. But what about those days you decide to go out or have to be on the go and can't cook at home? Lose weight and enjoy your low carbs , keto diet approved meal without ever cooking anything! -
Keto Diet App – Keto Recipes – Amichai Palgi
$0.00Keto Meal Plan is the perfect app for those of you looking for a quick and easy way to plan, shop & cook for your Ketogenic diet. In the app are multiple hand-curated recipes organized as weekly meal plans making it easy for you to lan your current and upcoming weekly meals. So No More Planning - You can finally stop thinking about what to cook - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are all customized for you, every week. Also, recipes are organized by categories such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, Athletes, Diabetics, Instant Pot and more, making it easier to find the meal you are looking for. No More Grocery Lists - You can add any recipe to the the Shopping List and buy everything you need. SO TAKE ACTION - You have nothing to loose but to live a healthier life, enjoy better food and loose weight. The subscription gives you access to all features and recipes and it's $9.99/month. All subscriptions are billed and renewed until cancelled - Cancel anytime! iTunes Subscription Terms ---------------------------- • You may purchase an auto-renewing subscription through an In-App Purchase to get all recipes and weekly plans. • Subscription for 1 month allowing full access to all the Keto Diet content, including all recipes and weekly updated plans. • The Price of the subscription is $9.99/month • Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase • Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period • Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal • Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase • Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable • Privacy Policy: • Terms of Use: -
Keto Diet Guide & Tracker – Thang Nguyen
$2.99VICTO IDEAS Keto Diet Tracker is a simple and reliable way to monitor your personal nutrition, so that you can achieve your ideal body weight with ease. Keto Diet Tracker is not just about losing weight at any cost; it's about adopting a healthier lifestyle. A healthy low-carb diet is an effective weight loss tool and the ketogenic diet has been shown to improve several health conditions such Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy and even cancer. How it Works + Personalize your macro goals to your specific body type and activity level. + Goals include losing weight, maintaining weight. The Keto Diet Tracker approach thoroughly explained. Discover the science behind the ketogenic diet, find out what ketosis is, why it works best, what to eat on a keto diet, and much more, all backed up by scientific references. the app introduction is right below: “The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, moderate-protein and high-fat diet. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, and replacing it with fat. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis that causes your body to switch from using glucose as its primary source of fuel to running on ketones. Ketones themselves are produced when the body burns fat, and they're primarily used as an alternative fuel source when glucose isn't available. When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain. Ketogenic diets can cause massive reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels. This, along with the increased ketones, has numerous health benefits especially losing weight” Keto Diet = LOW-CARB, MODERATE-PROTEIN, HIGH-FAT The plan has a cycle of phases, each cycle lasting 21 days (7 days Boost, 7 days Sustain, 7 days Attain) to help you reach the ideal ketosis level. If you don’t reach your goal by the end of the 21 days, repeat the cycle. Once you’ve reached your goal, move to the Maintain phase which is a lifetime diet. It’s not only designed to get you looking as good as you can get in 21 days, it’s also teaching you how to eat healthier and make exercises a part of your daily routine, for life! It’s a wonderful program for the beginner and/or for someone who struggles with less-than-healthy eating habits. Features: +Track Every Aspect Of Your Keto Diet Progress - Weight & Body Fat - Body Measurements - Carbs & Other Macronutrients - Your Meals, Water, Workouts. - And More Will Be Updated Over Time + Keto Diet Tracker Includes An Intuitive Shopping List To Help You Manage Your Shopping + Create Your Own Recipes + Lots Of Recipes To Choose (We’ Adding More Recipes Over Time). + Built-In 21-Day Keto Kick-Start And Maintenance Mode. + Built-In BMI To Conveniently Show Your Current BMI Level And Ideal Perfect Weights + Built-In Calorie Counter, Net Carbs, Proteins, Fat (Customized For You) + Smartly Adjust Water, BMI, Macronutrients Recommendation. + Exercise Apps Are Included. + Reset-Able Calendars (Phases, Days) . + Simple, Clean And Native iOS Design. + Built-In Reminders (Set Both Meal And Training Reminders). + Quickly Switch Between Metric And US Units. Download now to start losing weight today!!! About us: VICTO IDEAS is a research lab, specializes in health & fitness technologies. We are the lab that created the famous Massage Pillow, Bedtime Sleep Fan, 7 Minute Workout Plus, Water Tracker, 20 Day Fit, 20/20 Diet For Life... (You may want to have a look at our apps -> tap on more by this developer/Thang Nguyen -> it will navigate to all the available apps) We created technologies to help more and more people improving their health & life experience. -
Keto diet recipes: low carb weight loss recipe book for Ketogenic diet – Mikhail Platonov
$4.99The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It has a lot of health advantages compared to other diets. Most people do Keto because of the weight loss, but it also has other health advantages like lowering risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and much more. Keto Recipes app offers you: - More than 100 recipes; - Category filters; - Recipe search by name or ingredient; - Filter by recipe cooking time; - Shopping list, grouped by product categories or recipes; - All necessary information about the Keto diet; - Sample diet plan for you to follow; -
Keto diet recipes: low carb weight loss recipe book for Ketogenic diet – Mikhail Platonov
$4.99The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It has a lot of health advantages compared to other diets. Most people do Keto because of the weight loss, but it also has other health advantages like lowering risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and much more. Keto Recipes app offers you: - More than 100 recipes; - Category filters; - Recipe search by name or ingredient; - Filter by recipe cooking time; - Shopping list, grouped by product categories or recipes; - All necessary information about the Keto diet; - Sample diet plan for you to follow; -
Keto Diet Tracker – Low Carb High Fat Diet Guide – Thang Nguyen
$2.99VICTO IDEAS Keto Diet Tracker is a simple and reliable way to monitor your personal nutrition, so that you can achieve your ideal body weight with ease. Keto Diet Tracker is not just about losing weight at any cost; it's about adopting a healthier lifestyle. A healthy low-carb diet is an effective weight loss tool and the ketogenic diet has been shown to improve several health conditions such Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy and even cancer. How it Works + Personalize your macro goals to your specific body type and activity level. + Goals include losing weight, maintaining weight. The Keto Diet Tracker approach thoroughly explained. Discover the science behind the ketogenic diet, find out what ketosis is, why it works best, what to eat on a keto diet, and much more, all backed up by scientific references. the app introduction is right below: “The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, moderate-protein and high-fat diet. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, and replacing it with fat. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis that causes your body to switch from using glucose as its primary source of fuel to running on ketones. Ketones themselves are produced when the body burns fat, and they're primarily used as an alternative fuel source when glucose isn't available. When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain. Ketogenic diets can cause massive reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels. This, along with the increased ketones, has numerous health benefits especially losing weight” Keto Diet = LOW-CARB, MODERATE-PROTEIN, HIGH-FAT The plan has a cycle of phases, each cycle lasting 21 days (7 days Boost, 7 days Sustain, 7 days Attain) to help you reach the ideal ketosis level. If you don’t reach your goal by the end of the 21 days, repeat the cycle. Once you’ve reached your goal, move to the Maintain phase which is a lifetime diet. It’s not only designed to get you looking as good as you can get in 21 days, it’s also teaching you how to eat healthier and make exercises a part of your daily routine, for life! It’s a wonderful program for the beginner and/or for someone who struggles with less-than-healthy eating habits. Features: +Track Every Aspect Of Your Keto Diet Progress - Weight & Body Fat - Body Measurements - Carbs & Other Macronutrients - Your Meals, Water, Workouts. - And More Will Be Updated Over Time + Keto Diet Tracker Includes An Intuitive Shopping List To Help You Manage Your Shopping + Create Your Own Recipes + Lots Of Recipes To Choose (We’ Adding More Recipes Over Time). + Built-In 21-Day Keto Kick-Start And Maintenance Mode. + Built-In BMI To Conveniently Show Your Current BMI Level And Ideal Perfect Weights + Built-In Calorie Counter, Net Carbs, Proteins, Fat (Customized For You) + Smartly Adjust Water, BMI, Macronutrients Recommendation. + Exercise Apps Are Included. + Reset-Able Calendars (Phases, Days) . + Simple, Clean And Native iOS Design. + Built-In Reminders (Set Both Meal And Training Reminders). + Quickly Switch Between Metric And US Units. Download now to start losing weight today!!! About us: VICTO IDEAS is a research lab, specializes in health & fitness technologies. We are the lab that created the famous Massage Pillow, Bedtime Sleep Fan, 7 Minute Workout Plus, Water Tracker, 20 Day Fit, 20/20 Diet For Life... (You may want to have a look at our apps -> tap on more by this developer/Thang Nguyen -> it will navigate to all the available apps) We created technologies to help more and more people improving their health & life experience. -
Keto Diet Tracker – Mikhail Platonov
$0.00How it Works -Personalize your macro goals to your specific body type and activity level. -Goals include losing weight, maintaining weight, or gaining mass. -View and record nutrition goals, so you can consume the right amount of calories, protein, fat, and net carbs (app can count total carbs optionally). -Use our simple search engine to input food and beverages, or scan the product’s barcode. -Search suggestions mark foods to avoid maintaining your daily goal. Key Features - Try it for free! A subscription is needed only if you want to count more than 5 foods per day. - No subscription needed if you make a one-time purchase in the app. - Create your own Meals and Recipes. - Track meals altogether or separate by Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks. - Synchronize with Apple’s Health app, including export of your nutrition data. Purchase a PRO Subscription to get the most out of your nutrition tracker, while saving money. PRO Subscriptions are available for three different time periods: -1 month for USD $2.99 -3 months for USD $5.99 -12 months for USD $11.99 A PRO membership is also available for a one-time payment of USD $24.99, which includes all PRO features and lifetime access. If you choose to subscribe to a PRO membership, the purchase will be charged to your iTunes account. The subscription will be auto-renewed 24 hours prior to it running out, and you can manage it from the User Settings in iTunes after purchase. You have the capability to cancel the auto-renewing subscription in your iTunes settings. Terms and Privacy Policy: Download Keto Diet Tracker today to achieve your health and fitness goals! -
Keto Diet Tracker and Carb Counter by Carb Manager – Wombat Apps LLC
$0.00Manage your carb intake the sleek and easy way with Carb Manager! This is the starter version of Carb Manager, and includes up to 5 food entries per day. For unlimited low carb diet tracking, purchase the PRO version or upgrade to Premium. Low carb dieters LOVE Carb Manager: ***** "Love this app! Works great and easy to use!" ***** "Highly recommended to any one counting carbs" ***** "A BIG help that's also a lot of fun to use as it turns out" ***** "Glad I got it!" ***** "If you are doing a Paleo, Zone, Atkins, or any other sort of low carb diet this is the app you NEED today" HOLLER IT! Blog ( Carb Manager is the world's most comprehensive and easy-to-use carb counter. We've compiled over 600,000 verified foods in our database, including brand name products and restaurant fare, and created an easy-to-use system for keeping on track with your low carb lifestyle. This is the indispensable resource for anyone on a low carb diet, including ketogenic, Paleo, Atkins, and Zone diets. It's also used by thousands of diabetics to control carb intake. HOW IT WORKS Define your net carbs or total carbs and weight loss goals Search 600,000+ verified carb counts Log carbs, macros, calories, and more for each meal* Use our accurate search engine, or scan a product barcode NEW! Snap a pic of your food to log it instantly* NEW! Use natural language and voice logging to enter foods. Just describe your meal, like "Today, I ate a low carb tortilla and cheese for lunch" and we'll add it automatically.* View and track nutrition, including total carbs, net carbs, fat, calories, protein, and 30+ nutrients Visualize your macros (40:30:30) each day and over time Easily track your water intake Calculate your ideal macros ratio based on what % of calories you want for each Keep measure of your weight, BMI, and more with beautiful charts Exercise matters! Pick from hundreds of common exercises to log NEW! Voice log your exercises. For example, "Today I ran three miles and did 20 minutes of yoga"* Connect with friends and the Carb Manager community for support, tips, and motivation THE PERFECT ASSISTANT FOR LOW CARB DIETS Track net/total carbs in Carb Manager Read exclusive content by low carb experts - stay up to date on the latest LCHF news Share your progress with friends for additional motivation * Feature is included free up to 5 actions per day, and requires a Premium subscription for unlimited access BONUS FEATURES For the ultimate carb management solution, upgrade to Premium Unlimited food logging Access all your data on our full-featured web site Unlimited voice logging and natural language input Unlimited snap a pic food logging Get the KetoGenius Diet Plan, a comprehensive low carb kickstart diet, including dozens of low-carb recipes, and a 30-day meal plan and shopping list Enable full health tracking - chart and set goals for 30+ nutrients and health vitals Add Health App integration - import calories burned and minutes exercised Print advanced PDF reports, ready to share with your healthcare provider Carb Manager Premium Details: - The subscription length is 1 year for USD $39.99, 3 months for $16.99, or 1 month for $8.49. - Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase - The subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period - Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period - Subscriptions may be managed and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to Account Settings after purchase - No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period Privacy policy: Terms of service: