Showing 1765–1782 of 8004 results
Cognitive Brain & Memory Test – Helping spot early signs of Alzheimer's & Dementia – The Body Hug
$1.99The Cognitive Brain & Memory Test is designed to help you to self-assess your level of cognitive impairment and the potential risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Changes in nutrition, supplements and lifestyle can help to slow down the progression of cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s Disease as long as the early signs of the condition are caught soon enough. In many cases, this could be a huge slow down. The Cognitive Brain & Memory Test enables you to have the opportunity to know if you are on the green line with normal brain ageing or on the red line, in which the brain’s function is declining in a way that suggests future Alzheimer’s Disease. Identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment early enough is not easy. The signs can only be identified with tests that look at specific functions of the brain. Please also bear in mind that there may also be other reasons why the cognitive function appears to be lower in some people. These reasons can include depression or prescription drug use. If a low score is identified through the Cognitive Brain & Memory Test, it is a good idea to follow this up with a homocysteine blood test. Homocysteine levels in blood plasma have been identified as both, a risk factor for and also a predictor of Alzheimer’s Disease. These two tests will give you a good idea of whether your low score is due to your homocysteine level or not and also, whether you need to take action to lower it in order to reduce your risk of further and future cognitive memory decline. The large majority of people with Alzheimer’s Disease are not formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease until they are in their mid-70s or even later. However, it’s not unusual for those close to the sufferer to have known for some time that all was not well. It is often heard from those closest “there were lots of small clues and changes, but i didn’t realise it was so serious”. As strange as this may sound, at the time these clues and changes were manifesting themselves, much of the damage had already been done on the road leading to Alzheimer’s Disease. And at the time of diagnosis of full Alzheimer’s Disease there is very little that can be done except for the prescription of drugs in order to help manage the condition. If, however, the condition is recognised before this point, then real changes in nutrition, lifestyle and supplements can actually help to slow down the progression to full Alzheimer’s Disease and in some cases, delay it enormously. The most important thing is to catch it at the earliest possible stage, and this means before any symptoms are showing in the course of every-day life. This early stage is known as Mild Cognitive Impairment, if someone has this, their cognitive function worsens faster than someone whose brain is ageing normally. This test is designed for people aged 50 to 70 but is open to any age. It consists of five sections and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, without interruptions or distractions.Cognitive Brain & Memory Test – Helping spot early signs of Alzheimer's & Dementia – The Body Hug
$1.99The Cognitive Brain & Memory Test is designed to help you to self-assess your level of cognitive impairment and the potential risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Changes in nutrition, supplements and lifestyle can help to slow down the progression of cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s Disease as long as the early signs of the condition are caught soon enough. In many cases, this could be a huge slow down. The Cognitive Brain & Memory Test enables you to have the opportunity to know if you are on the green line with normal brain ageing or on the red line, in which the brain’s function is declining in a way that suggests future Alzheimer’s Disease. Identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment early enough is not easy. The signs can only be identified with tests that look at specific functions of the brain. Please also bear in mind that there may also be other reasons why the cognitive function appears to be lower in some people. These reasons can include depression or prescription drug use. If a low score is identified through the Cognitive Brain & Memory Test, it is a good idea to follow this up with a homocysteine blood test. Homocysteine levels in blood plasma have been identified as both, a risk factor for and also a predictor of Alzheimer’s Disease. These two tests will give you a good idea of whether your low score is due to your homocysteine level or not and also, whether you need to take action to lower it in order to reduce your risk of further and future cognitive memory decline. The large majority of people with Alzheimer’s Disease are not formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease until they are in their mid-70s or even later. However, it’s not unusual for those close to the sufferer to have known for some time that all was not well. It is often heard from those closest “there were lots of small clues and changes, but i didn’t realise it was so serious”. As strange as this may sound, at the time these clues and changes were manifesting themselves, much of the damage had already been done on the road leading to Alzheimer’s Disease. And at the time of diagnosis of full Alzheimer’s Disease there is very little that can be done except for the prescription of drugs in order to help manage the condition. If, however, the condition is recognised before this point, then real changes in nutrition, lifestyle and supplements can actually help to slow down the progression to full Alzheimer’s Disease and in some cases, delay it enormously. The most important thing is to catch it at the earliest possible stage, and this means before any symptoms are showing in the course of every-day life. This early stage is known as Mild Cognitive Impairment, if someone has this, their cognitive function worsens faster than someone whose brain is ageing normally. This test is designed for people aged 50 to 70 but is open to any age. It consists of five sections and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, without interruptions or distractions. -
CoherCardiac – iReun
$0.99-------Français----- Respirez l’équilibre ! Programme d’exercices respiratoires pour la pratique de la cohérence cardiaque, technique d’harmonisation des rythmes biologiques pour le bien-être et la santé. Respirez calmement et profondément en suivant le rythme d’une série d’images relaxantes, calées sur 6 cycles par minute (inspiration : 5 sec- expiration : 5 sec). Découvrez en pratiquant régulièrement cet exercice simple, où et quand vous voulez, tous les bienfaits de cette respiration consciente. Influez positivement sur les paramètres de votre équilibre : rythme cardiaque, pression artérielle, flux sanguin cérébral, système immunitaire, contrôle du taux de sucre dans le sang, baisse du cortisol (hormone du stress), augmentation de neurotransmetteurs comme la dopamine, la sérotonine… Les effets bénéfiques d’un entrainement de 5 minutes peuvent durer jusqu’à 6 heures. - 4 univers visuels à choisir - 2 options de durée (3 et 5 minutes) - Mise en mémoire des résultats - Accès internet pour le suivi médical (envoie par mail) -------English----- Respiratory Guide to Cardiac Coherence A breathing technique to well-being A program of respiratory exercises in order to practice cardiac coherence. Harmonizing techniques of biological rhythm for health and well-being. Take calm and deep breaths following the rhythm of a series of relaxing images, on 6 cycles per minute ( breath in : 5 seconds –breath out : 5 seconds ) Discover by regular practice of this simple exercise, where and when you want, the well-being acquired by this conscious breathing technique. You will see a positive influence on the parameters of your internal balance : heart rate, blood pressure, cerebral blood flow, immunitary system, blood/sugar level, decrease in cortisol (stress hormone), increase in neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin… The benefits of using this method 5 minutes can last up to 6 hours. - Choise of 4 visual environments - 2 time options (3 or 5 minutes) - Memorized results - Internet access for medical consultation (send by Email) -----Espagnol----- Coherencia cardiaca – Guia respiratoria Respira el equilibrio ! Programa de ejercicios respiratorios para la practica de la coherencia cardiaca, tecnica de armonizacion de los ritmos biologicos para el bienestar y la salud. Respira con calma y profundamente, siguiendo el ritmo de una serie de imagenes relajantes, organizadas segun 6 ciclos al minuto (inspirar : 5 segundos, expirar : 5 segundos) Practicando este ejercicio sencillo con regularidad, donde y cuando quieras, descubriras todas las ventajas de esta respiracion consciente. Influye positivamente sobre los parametros de tu equilibrio : ritmo cardiaco, presion arterial, flujo sanguineo cerebral, sistema inmunitario, control de la tasa de azucar en la sangre, cortisol (hormona del estres) en baja, neurotrasmisores como la dopamina, la serotonina, en aumento… Los efectos beneficos de un entrenamiento de 5 minutos pueden durar hasta 6 horas. - 4 universos visuales por elegir - 2 posibilidades de duracion (3 y 5 minutos) - Resultados puestos en memoria - Acceso internet para el seguimiento medical.CoherCardiac – iReun
$0.99-------Français----- Respirez l’équilibre ! Programme d’exercices respiratoires pour la pratique de la cohérence cardiaque, technique d’harmonisation des rythmes biologiques pour le bien-être et la santé. Respirez calmement et profondément en suivant le rythme d’une série d’images relaxantes, calées sur 6 cycles par minute (inspiration : 5 sec- expiration : 5 sec). Découvrez en pratiquant régulièrement cet exercice simple, où et quand vous voulez, tous les bienfaits de cette respiration consciente. Influez positivement sur les paramètres de votre équilibre : rythme cardiaque, pression artérielle, flux sanguin cérébral, système immunitaire, contrôle du taux de sucre dans le sang, baisse du cortisol (hormone du stress), augmentation de neurotransmetteurs comme la dopamine, la sérotonine… Les effets bénéfiques d’un entrainement de 5 minutes peuvent durer jusqu’à 6 heures. - 4 univers visuels à choisir - 2 options de durée (3 et 5 minutes) - Mise en mémoire des résultats - Accès internet pour le suivi médical (envoie par mail) -------English----- Respiratory Guide to Cardiac Coherence A breathing technique to well-being A program of respiratory exercises in order to practice cardiac coherence. Harmonizing techniques of biological rhythm for health and well-being. Take calm and deep breaths following the rhythm of a series of relaxing images, on 6 cycles per minute ( breath in : 5 seconds –breath out : 5 seconds ) Discover by regular practice of this simple exercise, where and when you want, the well-being acquired by this conscious breathing technique. You will see a positive influence on the parameters of your internal balance : heart rate, blood pressure, cerebral blood flow, immunitary system, blood/sugar level, decrease in cortisol (stress hormone), increase in neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin… The benefits of using this method 5 minutes can last up to 6 hours. - Choise of 4 visual environments - 2 time options (3 or 5 minutes) - Memorized results - Internet access for medical consultation (send by Email) -----Espagnol----- Coherencia cardiaca – Guia respiratoria Respira el equilibrio ! Programa de ejercicios respiratorios para la practica de la coherencia cardiaca, tecnica de armonizacion de los ritmos biologicos para el bienestar y la salud. Respira con calma y profundamente, siguiendo el ritmo de una serie de imagenes relajantes, organizadas segun 6 ciclos al minuto (inspirar : 5 segundos, expirar : 5 segundos) Practicando este ejercicio sencillo con regularidad, donde y cuando quieras, descubriras todas las ventajas de esta respiracion consciente. Influye positivamente sobre los parametros de tu equilibrio : ritmo cardiaco, presion arterial, flujo sanguineo cerebral, sistema inmunitario, control de la tasa de azucar en la sangre, cortisol (hormona del estres) en baja, neurotrasmisores como la dopamina, la serotonina, en aumento… Los efectos beneficos de un entrenamiento de 5 minutos pueden durar hasta 6 horas. - 4 universos visuales por elegir - 2 posibilidades de duracion (3 y 5 minutos) - Resultados puestos en memoria - Acceso internet para el seguimiento medical. -
Coherence Heart Trainer – Complete Coherence
$6.99*** This app requires bluetooth hardware to work. We are currently creating a list of suitable hardware devices. Because we are measuring precise HRV data the sampling frequency of the device as well as how the data is handle is crucial. We know it works very well with the polar chest strap and will be testing more and creating a comprehensive list. *** Regain focus and release stress with the Coherence Heart trainer. Negative emotions don’t just feel bad, they are killing you… The data is overwhelming showing your negative emotions are the highway to disease. Feeling anxious, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed breaks down your immune system so your body can’t fight back. But if you are reading this you are one of the lucky ones. There is a simple way you can take back control. You can train yourself to never feel anxious again. You never have to feel anything you don’t want to feel again. It starts with your breathing. Breathing is the fastest way to control your physiology. Coherent physiology melts away negative emotions. Your physiology is like an orchestra. If you feel anxious the orchestra is out of tune. The most important instrument in your body’s orchestra is your Heart Rate Variability. If you get that in tune everything else follows. Are you letting negative emotion ruin your life? Studies in the US show 23% of women and 14% of men suffer from an anxiety disorder. Thousands more live in quiet desperation. Do you hide it from your family and friends? Do you feel too ashamed to ask for help? Do you believe it will just sort itself out? How long ago was that? How much has it been affecting your life? Control your physiology with this app The Coherence Heart Trainer app designed by Complete Coherence tunes your HRV. Complete Coherence is the world leader in heart rate variability research. With the largest database of 24 hour HRV monitoring, nearly 100,000,000 heart beats! This app is our newest technology so you can get the most accurate measure of your HRV. Accurate measurement leads to faster results. Simple and easy to use Download the app. Pair your hardware. Follow the customizable breath pacer. Then use our patented biofeedback algorithm to train your coherence. Get back control today- How would you feel? To have something to focus on whenever you start feeling those negative emotions. You’ll know exactly how to focus your mind and how to breathe to have complete coherence. No one can ever make you feel anything you don’t want to feel. Physiological coherence leads to coherence in all areas of your life.Coherence Heart Trainer – Complete Coherence
$6.99*** This app requires bluetooth hardware to work. We are currently creating a list of suitable hardware devices. Because we are measuring precise HRV data the sampling frequency of the device as well as how the data is handle is crucial. We know it works very well with the polar chest strap and will be testing more and creating a comprehensive list. *** Regain focus and release stress with the Coherence Heart trainer. Negative emotions don’t just feel bad, they are killing you… The data is overwhelming showing your negative emotions are the highway to disease. Feeling anxious, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed breaks down your immune system so your body can’t fight back. But if you are reading this you are one of the lucky ones. There is a simple way you can take back control. You can train yourself to never feel anxious again. You never have to feel anything you don’t want to feel again. It starts with your breathing. Breathing is the fastest way to control your physiology. Coherent physiology melts away negative emotions. Your physiology is like an orchestra. If you feel anxious the orchestra is out of tune. The most important instrument in your body’s orchestra is your Heart Rate Variability. If you get that in tune everything else follows. Are you letting negative emotion ruin your life? Studies in the US show 23% of women and 14% of men suffer from an anxiety disorder. Thousands more live in quiet desperation. Do you hide it from your family and friends? Do you feel too ashamed to ask for help? Do you believe it will just sort itself out? How long ago was that? How much has it been affecting your life? Control your physiology with this app The Coherence Heart Trainer app designed by Complete Coherence tunes your HRV. Complete Coherence is the world leader in heart rate variability research. With the largest database of 24 hour HRV monitoring, nearly 100,000,000 heart beats! This app is our newest technology so you can get the most accurate measure of your HRV. Accurate measurement leads to faster results. Simple and easy to use Download the app. Pair your hardware. Follow the customizable breath pacer. Then use our patented biofeedback algorithm to train your coherence. Get back control today- How would you feel? To have something to focus on whenever you start feeling those negative emotions. You’ll know exactly how to focus your mind and how to breathe to have complete coherence. No one can ever make you feel anything you don’t want to feel. Physiological coherence leads to coherence in all areas of your life. -
Coherent breathing assistant – emmanuel orvain
$1.99Your helper to practice coherence breathing or daily breathing. Breathe with eyes closed following the soft audio beat for deeper relaxation. Thanks to your assistant you can : - customize the session duration - customize the Inhale to Exhale ratio (relaxing , coherence, energizing ) - customize the number of breaths per minute - display/hide the time before the end of the cardiac coherence cycle - customize a delay, so you can get situated before the breathing begins Thanks to your assistant you can : - Choose background sound from the available list - Choose the beat tone sound from the available list - Select the background image from the available list - Choose the sound that indicates the switch between inspiration and expiration Your assistant allows you to : - To record notes with which you follow the progress of your mood - To obtain virtual rewards for each session Cardiac coherence, here is a simple way to reduce stress . It is a breathing exercise that is practiced over a short period of 5 minutes . Unlike other techniques, it can be used anywhere and anytime. Using this technique you will be able to take a relaxing moment where you want it ; in public transport, in your car, at home. A setting menu allows you to change the preferences depending on when or where you practice exercise. Cardiac Coherence is compatible with VoiceOver To improve the application, write a review to the app or write at this email address : eorvain+app@gmail.comCoherent breathing assistant – emmanuel orvain
$1.99Your helper to practice coherence breathing or daily breathing. Breathe with eyes closed following the soft audio beat for deeper relaxation. Thanks to your assistant you can : - customize the session duration - customize the Inhale to Exhale ratio (relaxing , coherence, energizing ) - customize the number of breaths per minute - display/hide the time before the end of the cardiac coherence cycle - customize a delay, so you can get situated before the breathing begins Thanks to your assistant you can : - Choose background sound from the available list - Choose the beat tone sound from the available list - Select the background image from the available list - Choose the sound that indicates the switch between inspiration and expiration Your assistant allows you to : - To record notes with which you follow the progress of your mood - To obtain virtual rewards for each session Cardiac coherence, here is a simple way to reduce stress . It is a breathing exercise that is practiced over a short period of 5 minutes . Unlike other techniques, it can be used anywhere and anytime. Using this technique you will be able to take a relaxing moment where you want it ; in public transport, in your car, at home. A setting menu allows you to change the preferences depending on when or where you practice exercise. Cardiac Coherence is compatible with VoiceOver To improve the application, write a review to the app or write at this email address : -
Color Breath – 3CUBEs
$0.99I don’t think I need to say something if you read these reviews. Pranayama aide with timing choice - Nice! (Jul 18, 2012) posted by Jonny0007 UPGRADED to 5 Stars! The developer added the guidance of sound-tones which was the only feature this app lacked (now you can close your eyes while you breath, if you wish). In my opinion, this breathing app is the BEST one out there IF: you want total control of the breath timing, you don't need instruction, and you don't want a lot of "bells and whistles" on your app. The app is simply designed and the visuals & audio foster relaxation nicely. Big thanks to the developers for the update! Beautiful (Jun 29, 2012) posted by Oinjjko You could pay a lot for a breathing app and not get half of what this app gives you. Beautiful to view while you use breathing patterns you have total control over. Thank you for wonderful breathing app. Also the big timer in front of you is another beautiful feature. The timer can be displayed while doing breathing exercises or taken off the screen. The bubble audio is so relaxing, another wonderful feature. The developers got it right when they gave you total control of your breathing patterns, a lot of breathing apps don't give you this wonderful feature. I feel grateful for these wonderful reviews. It has passed four years since the app was released. Version 5.0 is the first update in three years. Now these new features are available. Auto Stretch You can find it in the timer setting view by pushing an clock shaped button which is located upper right. Color Pick Six pastel colors are set in the color buttons. But you can change the color as you like. Try long-press any color button to show a color picker. Sound Only Mode It was implemented in the old versions as Sleep Mode. You could breathe with sound navigation while you close your eyes, but needed to double-tap to add exhale time and single-tap to add inhale time. I loved to use the app with closed eyes, but it wasn’t comfortable. However you can use Auto stretch and Sound Only Mode at once now! Check off the box just below Auto Stretch setting pane. I hope that you would love this version, too. Thank you.Color Breath – 3CUBEs
$0.99I don’t think I need to say something if you read these reviews. Pranayama aide with timing choice - Nice! (Jul 18, 2012) posted by Jonny0007 UPGRADED to 5 Stars! The developer added the guidance of sound-tones which was the only feature this app lacked (now you can close your eyes while you breath, if you wish). In my opinion, this breathing app is the BEST one out there IF: you want total control of the breath timing, you don't need instruction, and you don't want a lot of "bells and whistles" on your app. The app is simply designed and the visuals & audio foster relaxation nicely. Big thanks to the developers for the update! Beautiful (Jun 29, 2012) posted by Oinjjko You could pay a lot for a breathing app and not get half of what this app gives you. Beautiful to view while you use breathing patterns you have total control over. Thank you for wonderful breathing app. Also the big timer in front of you is another beautiful feature. The timer can be displayed while doing breathing exercises or taken off the screen. The bubble audio is so relaxing, another wonderful feature. The developers got it right when they gave you total control of your breathing patterns, a lot of breathing apps don't give you this wonderful feature. I feel grateful for these wonderful reviews. It has passed four years since the app was released. Version 5.0 is the first update in three years. Now these new features are available. Auto Stretch You can find it in the timer setting view by pushing an clock shaped button which is located upper right. Color Pick Six pastel colors are set in the color buttons. But you can change the color as you like. Try long-press any color button to show a color picker. Sound Only Mode It was implemented in the old versions as Sleep Mode. You could breathe with sound navigation while you close your eyes, but needed to double-tap to add exhale time and single-tap to add inhale time. I loved to use the app with closed eyes, but it wasn’t comfortable. However you can use Auto stretch and Sound Only Mode at once now! Check off the box just below Auto Stretch setting pane. I hope that you would love this version, too. Thank you. -
Color Vision Test Lite – Rila Software
$0.00Features: • Ability to check the correct answers at the end of your test • Detects 3 main color deficiency groups (General, Protanomaly & Protanopia ). • Uniquely generated test plates right on your device. • Customize your own test by specifying what deficiency group you want to test and how many questions to be presented. • Generate your very own Ishihara test plates and share them with friends and family (offered as in-app purchase) ****************************************************** What is a Color Vision Deficiency or Color Blindness? • Definition of Color Vision Deficiency or Color Blindness is an eye condition where a person is not able to distinguish certain colors or shades of colors to some degree. • Color Blindness does not mean that a person can only see black and white. A person with color blindness is able to see different colors, however they are not able to see some colors due to deficiencies in the eyes. • Color blindness is a hereditary condition but can also be caused by eye diseases, damage to the retina, and aging or when the lens is darkened over time from a cataract. Although there is no absolute treatment for hereditary color blindness, there are methods, techniques, and special glasses that may help people with color blindness differentiate different colors but not truly see them. • If you have extreme trouble distinguishing the numbers in one of the Color Plates included in this app or not able to see them at all, then you may have some degree of color blindness and you would like to see your eye specialist. ****************************************************** How "Color Vision Test" will help you test your Color Vision? • There are a few methods for Color Blindness testing. The most used is the Ishihara plates test. This test consists of plates that contain a circle filled with bubbles in shades of colors to be tested. In this circle is formed certain numbers that people with certain color deficiency will not be able to distinguish. • Color Vision Test use Ishihara Color Plates to test your Color Vision. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find us on facebook: Vision Test Lite – Rila Software
$0.00Features: • Ability to check the correct answers at the end of your test • Detects 3 main color deficiency groups (General, Protanomaly & Protanopia ). • Uniquely generated test plates right on your device. • Customize your own test by specifying what deficiency group you want to test and how many questions to be presented. • Generate your very own Ishihara test plates and share them with friends and family (offered as in-app purchase) ****************************************************** What is a Color Vision Deficiency or Color Blindness? • Definition of Color Vision Deficiency or Color Blindness is an eye condition where a person is not able to distinguish certain colors or shades of colors to some degree. • Color Blindness does not mean that a person can only see black and white. A person with color blindness is able to see different colors, however they are not able to see some colors due to deficiencies in the eyes. • Color blindness is a hereditary condition but can also be caused by eye diseases, damage to the retina, and aging or when the lens is darkened over time from a cataract. Although there is no absolute treatment for hereditary color blindness, there are methods, techniques, and special glasses that may help people with color blindness differentiate different colors but not truly see them. • If you have extreme trouble distinguishing the numbers in one of the Color Plates included in this app or not able to see them at all, then you may have some degree of color blindness and you would like to see your eye specialist. ****************************************************** How "Color Vision Test" will help you test your Color Vision? • There are a few methods for Color Blindness testing. The most used is the Ishihara plates test. This test consists of plates that contain a circle filled with bubbles in shades of colors to be tested. In this circle is formed certain numbers that people with certain color deficiency will not be able to distinguish. • Color Vision Test use Ishihara Color Plates to test your Color Vision. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find us on facebook: -
Color-Blindness Test – zhang xi
$1.99Color-blindness is the inability to distinguish the differences between certain colors. This condition results from an absence of color-sensitive pigment in the cone cells of the retina, the nerve layer at the back of the eye. A person with color-blindness has trouble seeing red, green, blue, or mixtures of these colors. The most common type is red-green color-blindness, where red and green are seen as the same color.Color-Blindness Test – zhang xi
$1.99Color-blindness is the inability to distinguish the differences between certain colors. This condition results from an absence of color-sensitive pigment in the cone cells of the retina, the nerve layer at the back of the eye. A person with color-blindness has trouble seeing red, green, blue, or mixtures of these colors. The most common type is red-green color-blindness, where red and green are seen as the same color. -
ColorBoost Pro – color, light and music relaxation sessions for well being – Dovivo GmbH
$7.99ColorBoost is the first color relaxation app that offers a series of daily sessions with scientifically created audio-visual designs. With this application you will get access to 10 min relaxation session with the colors of your choice and to 9 amazing songs by Peter Kater that will make your experience even more vivid and emotional. Originated by European health practitioners this app is promoting Qi-balance in life, a positive outlook. Discover how daily color relaxation session can help you to feel happier! Each therapy session guides you through with gentle animation, smooth colors and music to either stimulate and uplift, or relax and calm one's body, mind and spirit. Color and light therapies are known methods used by health practitioners to promote energetic re-alignment and self-healing. The preferred choice of colors and music will be easily absorbed at moment and time. Each time the therapy session starts you are asked to choose a set of colors. Automatically colors will interchange gently and slowly during the session. It can be made to change quicker by shaking the device. Music is specially created by sound expert and well-known musician Peter Kater. This therapy is recommended to be used in a comfortable environment. Also better results are given, when sessions are repeated long term over months. This can be set as app reminders in the calendar. This ColorBoost therapy is understood as guide to self-healing and mindfulness. It is no replacement for any clinical physical or medical therapy. ColorBoost does not take responsibilities for light sensitive epilepsy. Legal Disclaimer This application is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Information provided through this application is for educational purposes only. The information provided in this application is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this application. Visit for more details Support : Marketing : http://www.stevesims.comColorBoost Pro – color, light and music relaxation sessions for well being – Dovivo GmbH
$7.99ColorBoost is the first color relaxation app that offers a series of daily sessions with scientifically created audio-visual designs. With this application you will get access to 10 min relaxation session with the colors of your choice and to 9 amazing songs by Peter Kater that will make your experience even more vivid and emotional. Originated by European health practitioners this app is promoting Qi-balance in life, a positive outlook. Discover how daily color relaxation session can help you to feel happier! Each therapy session guides you through with gentle animation, smooth colors and music to either stimulate and uplift, or relax and calm one's body, mind and spirit. Color and light therapies are known methods used by health practitioners to promote energetic re-alignment and self-healing. The preferred choice of colors and music will be easily absorbed at moment and time. Each time the therapy session starts you are asked to choose a set of colors. Automatically colors will interchange gently and slowly during the session. It can be made to change quicker by shaking the device. Music is specially created by sound expert and well-known musician Peter Kater. This therapy is recommended to be used in a comfortable environment. Also better results are given, when sessions are repeated long term over months. This can be set as app reminders in the calendar. This ColorBoost therapy is understood as guide to self-healing and mindfulness. It is no replacement for any clinical physical or medical therapy. ColorBoost does not take responsibilities for light sensitive epilepsy. Legal Disclaimer This application is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Information provided through this application is for educational purposes only. The information provided in this application is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this application. Visit for more details Support : Marketing : -
ColorTherapyHealing/Farbtherapie – Elmar Coray
$2.99Color Therapy / Farbtherapie --------------------------------- Deutsch & English Colors are vital forces that play an essential role in life. If we use them correctly they have a powerful effect and can supply us with harmonizing and balancing energy on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Colors help and support for physical and spiritual complaints. This IPhone App offers you the following features: - Color treatment directly from your IPhone with treatment duration and an acoustic start & end signal - Convenient search function with a choice of over 200 applications & topics: Burnout, stress, headaches, pain, anxiety, insomnia, etc. - List of the Therapycolors with a direct link for color-detailed description. - Explanation of each color: effect, utilization & meaning and description of the colors - Scroll search function on all topics & applications with direct link to the color treatment. - Built-in guide: Colors for different living spaces & Colors of clothing, App-application & tips. - Configuration of the treatment period, sound (treatment start / stop) and data update function. With this app you can always and everywhere at once strengthen your well being with your IPhone. It helps and is supportive for physical and mental ailments. (A necessary physician visit will not be replaced). Farbtherapie (Heilkraft der Farben) -------------------------------------------- Farben sind lebendige Kräfte und lebensnotwendig. Wenn wir sie richtig einsetzen, sind sie auf kraftvolle Weise wirksam und schenken uns auf körperlicher, seelischer und geistiger Ebene ihre harmonisierenden und ausgleichenden Energien. Farben helfen und Unterstützung bei körperlichen und seelischen Beschwerden - Farbbehandlung direkt von Ihrem IPhone mit Behandlungsdauer und einem akustischen start & end Signal.. - Bequeme Such-Funktion mit Auswahl aus über 200 Anwendungen & Themengebiete : Burnout, Stress, Kopfschmerzen, Schmerzen, Ängste, Schlaflosigkeit usw. - Übersichtliche Liste der einzelnen Therapiefarben mit Link zur Farb-Detailbeschreibung. - Erklärung der einzelnen Farben : Wirkung, Anwendung/Bedeutung und Beschreibung der Farben. - Scroll Such Funktion über alle Themengebiete & Anwendungsmöglichkeiten mit direktem Link zur Farbbehandlung. - Integrierter Ratgeber für : Farbauswahl für Räume und Kleider, App-Anwendung &Tipps. - Konfiguration der Behandlungsdauer, Sound (Behandlung start / stop) und Daten update Funktion. Mit diesem App können sie jederzeit und überall sColorTherapyHealing/Farbtherapie – Elmar Coray
$2.99Color Therapy / Farbtherapie --------------------------------- Deutsch & English Colors are vital forces that play an essential role in life. If we use them correctly they have a powerful effect and can supply us with harmonizing and balancing energy on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Colors help and support for physical and spiritual complaints. This IPhone App offers you the following features: - Color treatment directly from your IPhone with treatment duration and an acoustic start & end signal - Convenient search function with a choice of over 200 applications & topics: Burnout, stress, headaches, pain, anxiety, insomnia, etc. - List of the Therapycolors with a direct link for color-detailed description. - Explanation of each color: effect, utilization & meaning and description of the colors - Scroll search function on all topics & applications with direct link to the color treatment. - Built-in guide: Colors for different living spaces & Colors of clothing, App-application & tips. - Configuration of the treatment period, sound (treatment start / stop) and data update function. With this app you can always and everywhere at once strengthen your well being with your IPhone. It helps and is supportive for physical and mental ailments. (A necessary physician visit will not be replaced). Farbtherapie (Heilkraft der Farben) -------------------------------------------- Farben sind lebendige Kräfte und lebensnotwendig. Wenn wir sie richtig einsetzen, sind sie auf kraftvolle Weise wirksam und schenken uns auf körperlicher, seelischer und geistiger Ebene ihre harmonisierenden und ausgleichenden Energien. Farben helfen und Unterstützung bei körperlichen und seelischen Beschwerden - Farbbehandlung direkt von Ihrem IPhone mit Behandlungsdauer und einem akustischen start & end Signal.. - Bequeme Such-Funktion mit Auswahl aus über 200 Anwendungen & Themengebiete : Burnout, Stress, Kopfschmerzen, Schmerzen, Ängste, Schlaflosigkeit usw. - Übersichtliche Liste der einzelnen Therapiefarben mit Link zur Farb-Detailbeschreibung. - Erklärung der einzelnen Farben : Wirkung, Anwendung/Bedeutung und Beschreibung der Farben. - Scroll Such Funktion über alle Themengebiete & Anwendungsmöglichkeiten mit direktem Link zur Farbbehandlung. - Integrierter Ratgeber für : Farbauswahl für Räume und Kleider, App-Anwendung &Tipps. - Konfiguration der Behandlungsdauer, Sound (Behandlung start / stop) und Daten update Funktion. Mit diesem App können sie jederzeit und überall s -
Combat Coach – Jason Van Veldhuysen
$2.99The combat coach is well versed in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing and Grappling. Create your own combinations and have the Combat Coach put you through a killer training session. If you are an instructor, then design your favourite combos and hook up your device to a speaker and have it dictate the class while you go around and work with your students on the finer details. Work with the Combat Coach to adjust combos, speed, and intensity. There are over 60 audio techniques leading to endless combinations. You can adjust the time between combos, the speed at which the combos are called out, the order of the combos, and the frequency with which a particular combo is called out. You have to total flexibility to work with the Combat Coach to give you the best training session possible.Combat Coach – Jason Van Veldhuysen
$2.99The combat coach is well versed in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing and Grappling. Create your own combinations and have the Combat Coach put you through a killer training session. If you are an instructor, then design your favourite combos and hook up your device to a speaker and have it dictate the class while you go around and work with your students on the finer details. Work with the Combat Coach to adjust combos, speed, and intensity. There are over 60 audio techniques leading to endless combinations. You can adjust the time between combos, the speed at which the combos are called out, the order of the combos, and the frequency with which a particular combo is called out. You have to total flexibility to work with the Combat Coach to give you the best training session possible. -
Comfort Talk Plus White Noise – Hypnalgesics, LLC
$49.99This is an app that plays white noise only. You can select between 4 variations of white noise.Comfort Talk Plus White Noise – Hypnalgesics, LLC
$49.99This is an app that plays white noise only. You can select between 4 variations of white noise. -
Comfort Talk Pro – Hypnalgesics, LLC
$49.99My Comfort Talk® -- The Leading Voice in Patient Comfort® Pro version has 4 voices instead of 2. Fast relaxation at a moment's notice My Comfort Talk®—provides step-by-step directions guiding you to utilizes your mind’s nature ability to find comfort, and bolster your self-confidence without the use of medication. My Comfort Talk® directions are audio versions of a collection of guided relaxation scripts. The scripts, backed by 20 years of solid research, were originally developed for hospital use by Comfort Talk® trained healthcare personnel to help patients better help themselves through their medical visits and procedures. The Comfort Talk Application is covered by one or more patents, including U.S. Pat. No. 9,495,126. The same techniques developed by doctors to help patients help themselves; the same system acclaimed internationally by major medical centers for its fast, natural, safe approach, is now available for take-along personal use. The My Comfort Talk® app provides fast relief when you need it—where you need it. My Comfort Talk® provides customizable audio recordings to address your specific need of the moment. Just tap the Comfort button that best matches your need—•Relaxation •Confidence •Comfort • Peace—choose the length of time you have, choose the voice you prefer, and listen to be soothingly guided to quick relaxation. Use is intuitive and simple and you are always in control of your experience. Elvira Lang, MD, FSIR, FSCEH is an award-winning interventional radiologist celebrated for her research on the clinical effectiveness of hypnotic interventions during medical procedures. She held faculty positions at the University of Heidelberg, Stanford University, the University of Iowa, and Harvard Medical School. She developed and rigorously tested in large-scale clinical trials the use of Comfort Talk® techniques. To make this quick comfort available more widely, her team has developed this app for take-along personal use. Dr. Lang's research work has been acknowledged with the Ernest R. Hilgard Award for Scientific Excellence for a Lifetime of Published Work.Comfort Talk Pro – Hypnalgesics, LLC
$49.99My Comfort Talk® -- The Leading Voice in Patient Comfort® Pro version has 4 voices instead of 2. Fast relaxation at a moment's notice My Comfort Talk®—provides step-by-step directions guiding you to utilizes your mind’s nature ability to find comfort, and bolster your self-confidence without the use of medication. My Comfort Talk® directions are audio versions of a collection of guided relaxation scripts. The scripts, backed by 20 years of solid research, were originally developed for hospital use by Comfort Talk® trained healthcare personnel to help patients better help themselves through their medical visits and procedures. The Comfort Talk Application is covered by one or more patents, including U.S. Pat. No. 9,495,126. The same techniques developed by doctors to help patients help themselves; the same system acclaimed internationally by major medical centers for its fast, natural, safe approach, is now available for take-along personal use. The My Comfort Talk® app provides fast relief when you need it—where you need it. My Comfort Talk® provides customizable audio recordings to address your specific need of the moment. Just tap the Comfort button that best matches your need—•Relaxation •Confidence •Comfort • Peace—choose the length of time you have, choose the voice you prefer, and listen to be soothingly guided to quick relaxation. Use is intuitive and simple and you are always in control of your experience. Elvira Lang, MD, FSIR, FSCEH is an award-winning interventional radiologist celebrated for her research on the clinical effectiveness of hypnotic interventions during medical procedures. She held faculty positions at the University of Heidelberg, Stanford University, the University of Iowa, and Harvard Medical School. She developed and rigorously tested in large-scale clinical trials the use of Comfort Talk® techniques. To make this quick comfort available more widely, her team has developed this app for take-along personal use. Dr. Lang's research work has been acknowledged with the Ernest R. Hilgard Award for Scientific Excellence for a Lifetime of Published Work. -
Community Mic remote microphone – Bxtel LLC
$0.99Community Mic takes the place of a remote microphone system. One person speaks into an iPad/iPhone microphone, the sound is transmitted over wifi, and then another person can listen through their iPad/iPhone. Community Mic is perfect for classrooms or meeting places like churches that serve hearing impaired. One person can speak to many listeners, there is no limit. The communication is one way, not like a walkie talkie. Community Mic is best for teaching or for presentations. As this works over wifi, there is a small delay, about the same as if you make a phone call to another mobile phone in the same room. RECOMMENDED: If you are not sure this app works for your purpose, please try the Lite version. It lets you try the app for 90 seconds before turning off. This should let you test using the app as a remote microphone using multiple iOS devices.Community Mic remote microphone – Bxtel LLC
$0.99Community Mic takes the place of a remote microphone system. One person speaks into an iPad/iPhone microphone, the sound is transmitted over wifi, and then another person can listen through their iPad/iPhone. Community Mic is perfect for classrooms or meeting places like churches that serve hearing impaired. One person can speak to many listeners, there is no limit. The communication is one way, not like a walkie talkie. Community Mic is best for teaching or for presentations. As this works over wifi, there is a small delay, about the same as if you make a phone call to another mobile phone in the same room. RECOMMENDED: If you are not sure this app works for your purpose, please try the Lite version. It lets you try the app for 90 seconds before turning off. This should let you test using the app as a remote microphone using multiple iOS devices. -
Complete Guide to Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements – MD Wilson
$0.99Find evidence-based information on individual ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. they include a description, review of effectiveness, how it works, safety concerns, and interactions with medications.Complete Guide to Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements – MD Wilson
$0.99Find evidence-based information on individual ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. they include a description, review of effectiveness, how it works, safety concerns, and interactions with medications. -
Complete Guide to Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements – MD Wilson
$0.99Find evidence-based information on individual ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. they include a description, review of effectiveness, how it works, safety concerns, and interactions with medications.Complete Guide to Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements – MD Wilson
$0.99Find evidence-based information on individual ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. they include a description, review of effectiveness, how it works, safety concerns, and interactions with medications. -
Complete Gym Guide – Miniz
$1.99Now containing over 110 different gym exercises with detailed Descriptions and Images! Includes the ability to save your favourite exercises for easy access to your frequently used workouts! Also with 8 health and fitness related calculators ideal for assessing your fitness level and assist in determining what weights to use while exercising! This is the ultimate gym app for the exercise beginner and the seasoned expert!Complete Gym Guide – Miniz
$1.99Now containing over 110 different gym exercises with detailed Descriptions and Images! Includes the ability to save your favourite exercises for easy access to your frequently used workouts! Also with 8 health and fitness related calculators ideal for assessing your fitness level and assist in determining what weights to use while exercising! This is the ultimate gym app for the exercise beginner and the seasoned expert! -
Complete Relaxation: Guided Meditation for a Calm, Stress Free Life – Zenoki Ltd
$2.99Featured by Apple and enjoyed by over 400,000 users worldwide, the premium version of our free app offers the same powerful meditation and so much more! • App Store #1 in the UK, Canada, Australia and Top 5 in the US • 91% of users rate our premium app 5/5 Stars. If you want to sleep well, relax and find more peace in your life, then this is the app for you! INCLUDING: • An Extended Meditation • A Choice of Awake or Asleep Endings • Both a Male and Female Guide • Just Relax: The 15 min Version (Included FREE) • Four Additional Nature Soundtracks • A Meditation Statistics Page • Plus Customizable Reminders AN ADDITIONAL FEMALE GUIDE Complete Relaxation, the full 27 min extended edition, features two versions of the same powerful meditation. One read by the UK's Ross Puddle and the other by Australia's Susanne Kempken. Although the script is identical, Ross and Susanne’s meditations are very different in terms of pace and style, offering you a real contrast to your meditation experience. A CHOICE OF FIVE SOUNDTRACKS Enjoy the Bespoke Meditation Soundtrack composed by Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, Msc.D, or choose from one of four additional nature soundtracks to compliment your session. END YOUR MEDITATION AWAKE OR ASLEEP Drift off into a restful nights sleep or start your day with a powerful boost; with the full app you choose the ending! BESPOKE MEDITATION MUSIC Set to the stunning music of Australian composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, Msc.D. Complete Relaxation features a bespoke mix of his hypnotic tracks “The Essence of Peace” and the angelic “Heavens Gate”. With each composition working seamlessly alongside the relaxation script, you’re taken on a guided journey through the body, relaxing each and every muscle before being invited to float down into Complete Relaxation, where the positive affirmations begin. With the latest meditation and relaxation techniques, this app will ease every muscle in your body, offering you complete relaxation! It truly is the best meditation app on the App Store. ------------------- Disclaimer By installing this meditation app you confirm that you have read and fully understood the following disclaimer: Medical Disclaimer: This recording is not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including, but not limited to, psychosis. The information and guidance given by Ross Puddle and Susanne Kempken in this recording is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, illness, condition or state of mind. If you are unsure of the suitability of this recording in anyway, please consult a medical practitioner before listening. It is especially important to seek advice from a medical practitioner in cases of mental health disorders or severe health conditions. If in any doubt, please ask. The decision to install and listen to this recording is entirely yours, the owner (Ross Puddle) and production team (Zenoki Ltd) behind this recording accept no liability for its use. This recording should also not be listened to at a time when you cannot safely close your eyes and relax fully.Complete Relaxation: Guided Meditation for a Calm, Stress Free Life – Zenoki Ltd
$2.99Featured by Apple and enjoyed by over 400,000 users worldwide, the premium version of our free app offers the same powerful meditation and so much more! • App Store #1 in the UK, Canada, Australia and Top 5 in the US • 91% of users rate our premium app 5/5 Stars. If you want to sleep well, relax and find more peace in your life, then this is the app for you! INCLUDING: • An Extended Meditation • A Choice of Awake or Asleep Endings • Both a Male and Female Guide • Just Relax: The 15 min Version (Included FREE) • Four Additional Nature Soundtracks • A Meditation Statistics Page • Plus Customizable Reminders AN ADDITIONAL FEMALE GUIDE Complete Relaxation, the full 27 min extended edition, features two versions of the same powerful meditation. One read by the UK's Ross Puddle and the other by Australia's Susanne Kempken. Although the script is identical, Ross and Susanne’s meditations are very different in terms of pace and style, offering you a real contrast to your meditation experience. A CHOICE OF FIVE SOUNDTRACKS Enjoy the Bespoke Meditation Soundtrack composed by Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, Msc.D, or choose from one of four additional nature soundtracks to compliment your session. END YOUR MEDITATION AWAKE OR ASLEEP Drift off into a restful nights sleep or start your day with a powerful boost; with the full app you choose the ending! BESPOKE MEDITATION MUSIC Set to the stunning music of Australian composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, Msc.D. Complete Relaxation features a bespoke mix of his hypnotic tracks “The Essence of Peace” and the angelic “Heavens Gate”. With each composition working seamlessly alongside the relaxation script, you’re taken on a guided journey through the body, relaxing each and every muscle before being invited to float down into Complete Relaxation, where the positive affirmations begin. With the latest meditation and relaxation techniques, this app will ease every muscle in your body, offering you complete relaxation! It truly is the best meditation app on the App Store. ------------------- Disclaimer By installing this meditation app you confirm that you have read and fully understood the following disclaimer: Medical Disclaimer: This recording is not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including, but not limited to, psychosis. The information and guidance given by Ross Puddle and Susanne Kempken in this recording is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, illness, condition or state of mind. If you are unsure of the suitability of this recording in anyway, please consult a medical practitioner before listening. It is especially important to seek advice from a medical practitioner in cases of mental health disorders or severe health conditions. If in any doubt, please ask. The decision to install and listen to this recording is entirely yours, the owner (Ross Puddle) and production team (Zenoki Ltd) behind this recording accept no liability for its use. This recording should also not be listened to at a time when you cannot safely close your eyes and relax fully.