Showing 1–18 of 8000 results
:07 Minute Workout – Jeremy Karlson and Leigh Peterson
$0.99Hello squishy humans! Are you a super important, busy, on-the-go type of person? Sure you are. You reek of importance. Do you like robots? Of course you like robots, everyone likes robots. Speaking of robots, :07 Minute Workout has 'em. And if you don't know what the seven minute workout is, I recommend reading the article published in ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal. The circuits in this app are based directly on the recommendations made in that article. But enough, talk, let's sweat! Or if you're a robot, leak oil! Features: - Fun illustrations that demonstrate activities. - Voice prompts and audio cues so you can work out without worrying about looking at the screen. - Portait and landscape orientations for those who like to use their devices sideways. - Made by nice people who actually use it. Requires iOS 6 or higher.:07 Minute Workout – Jeremy Karlson and Leigh Peterson
$0.99Hello squishy humans! Are you a super important, busy, on-the-go type of person? Sure you are. You reek of importance. Do you like robots? Of course you like robots, everyone likes robots. Speaking of robots, :07 Minute Workout has 'em. And if you don't know what the seven minute workout is, I recommend reading the article published in ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal. The circuits in this app are based directly on the recommendations made in that article. But enough, talk, let's sweat! Or if you're a robot, leak oil! Features: - Fun illustrations that demonstrate activities. - Voice prompts and audio cues so you can work out without worrying about looking at the screen. - Portait and landscape orientations for those who like to use their devices sideways. - Made by nice people who actually use it. Requires iOS 6 or higher. -
!STOP Stress – ultimate portable stress and health management tool. – Evgeny EGOROV
$0.99"STOP STRESS" is a portable stress management tool. Built on the iPhone mobile app platform, "STOP STRESS" is a hands-on diaphragmatic breathing exercise. Breathing exercises have been documented to decrease the body's 'fight-or-flight' (stress) response, and help with mood stabilization, anger control, and anxiety management. "STOP STRESS" can be used as a stand-alone stress reduction tool, or can be used in tandem with clinical care directed by a healthcare worker. Наша жизнь полна стрессов. Это печально. Стрессы изнашивают организм и нервную систему, приводят к затяжным депрессиям. С этим необходимо бороться, иначе... Эта программа обучит Вас уникальной методике "диафрагменного дыхания", разработанной Американскими учеными из NASA. Программа содержит подробное описание упражнений(рус) и видеоуроки(англ), будет вести Ваши тренировки, отмечать уровень стресса и прогресс в борьбе со стрессом. Отчеты программы пригодятся для анализа причин стрессов, могут пригодиться при консультациях врача. Так же программа содержит много энциклопедических материалов, посвященных описанию реакции организма на стресс и последствия стрессов для организма. Так же Вы получите советы психолога, которые помогут Вам в борьбе с стрессами и в отношении к жизни вообще.!STOP Stress – ultimate portable stress and health management tool. – Evgeny EGOROV
$0.99"STOP STRESS" is a portable stress management tool. Built on the iPhone mobile app platform, "STOP STRESS" is a hands-on diaphragmatic breathing exercise. Breathing exercises have been documented to decrease the body's 'fight-or-flight' (stress) response, and help with mood stabilization, anger control, and anxiety management. "STOP STRESS" can be used as a stand-alone stress reduction tool, or can be used in tandem with clinical care directed by a healthcare worker. Наша жизнь полна стрессов. Это печально. Стрессы изнашивают организм и нервную систему, приводят к затяжным депрессиям. С этим необходимо бороться, иначе... Эта программа обучит Вас уникальной методике "диафрагменного дыхания", разработанной Американскими учеными из NASA. Программа содержит подробное описание упражнений(рус) и видеоуроки(англ), будет вести Ваши тренировки, отмечать уровень стресса и прогресс в борьбе со стрессом. Отчеты программы пригодятся для анализа причин стрессов, могут пригодиться при консультациях врача. Так же программа содержит много энциклопедических материалов, посвященных описанию реакции организма на стресс и последствия стрессов для организма. Так же Вы получите советы психолога, которые помогут Вам в борьбе с стрессами и в отношении к жизни вообще. -
(مامي (پيش از بارداري – Behrouz Babadoust
$0.00نرم افزار پيش از بارداری "مامی" به سفارش دفتر سلامت جمعيت، خانواده و مدارس وزارت بهداشت،درمان، با هدف افزايش اگاهي و نگرش زوجهاي جوان براي بچه دار شدن طراحي گرديده است و در صدد است بر ميزان آگاهي زوجهايي كه تصميم به بچه دار شدن دارند بيافزايد. اين نرم افزار علاوه بر رعايت استانداردهاي دفتر آموزش سلامت وزارت بهداشت و درمان، با استفاده از مستندات علمي روز و مبتني بر شواهد تهيه شده است و علاوه بر ارائه محتواي علمي، به كاربر اين امكان را خواهد داد تا با استفاده از ابزارهاي سادهاي ميزان سلامت خود را سنجيده و راهكارهاي مناسب خود را دريافت كند. بخش ديگري از اين نرم افزار عوامل موثر بر باروري در زنان و مردان پرداخته و نكات مهمي را در اين مورد آموزش ميدهد. مجموعه نرم افزاری "مامی" در قالب سه نرم افزار(پیش از بارداری،بارداری،زایمان و پس از زایمان) توسط شرکت سیب سبز سلامت، ارائه میگردد. 'Mommy' is a useful app which provides its users with tips and articles to increase their chances of conceiving. It also offers an easy-to-follow interface to users to record their personal information like their cycle, BMI, ovulation, and many more!(مامي (پيش از بارداري – Behrouz Babadoust
$0.00نرم افزار پيش از بارداری "مامی" به سفارش دفتر سلامت جمعيت، خانواده و مدارس وزارت بهداشت،درمان، با هدف افزايش اگاهي و نگرش زوجهاي جوان براي بچه دار شدن طراحي گرديده است و در صدد است بر ميزان آگاهي زوجهايي كه تصميم به بچه دار شدن دارند بيافزايد. اين نرم افزار علاوه بر رعايت استانداردهاي دفتر آموزش سلامت وزارت بهداشت و درمان، با استفاده از مستندات علمي روز و مبتني بر شواهد تهيه شده است و علاوه بر ارائه محتواي علمي، به كاربر اين امكان را خواهد داد تا با استفاده از ابزارهاي سادهاي ميزان سلامت خود را سنجيده و راهكارهاي مناسب خود را دريافت كند. بخش ديگري از اين نرم افزار عوامل موثر بر باروري در زنان و مردان پرداخته و نكات مهمي را در اين مورد آموزش ميدهد. مجموعه نرم افزاری "مامی" در قالب سه نرم افزار(پیش از بارداری،بارداری،زایمان و پس از زایمان) توسط شرکت سیب سبز سلامت، ارائه میگردد. 'Mommy' is a useful app which provides its users with tips and articles to increase their chances of conceiving. It also offers an easy-to-follow interface to users to record their personal information like their cycle, BMI, ovulation, and many more! -
#BeFirst – Grant Hayes
$29.99#BeFirst - Visual Test - Audio Test - Visual Reaction Test - Audio Reaction Test - GO NO GO Visual Reaction Test - GO NO GO Audio Reaction Test - Stroop Test - Dynamic React - Fast React - Performance Graphs - Share your results & Invite friends - Global Leaderboard#BeFirst – Grant Hayes
$29.99#BeFirst - Visual Test - Audio Test - Visual Reaction Test - Audio Reaction Test - GO NO GO Visual Reaction Test - GO NO GO Audio Reaction Test - Stroop Test - Dynamic React - Fast React - Performance Graphs - Share your results & Invite friends - Global Leaderboard -
0 – 20 Pull Ups Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 20 Pullups in 6 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "Had trouble even doing 1 pulll-up, but this program helps train you by first holding on to the bar if you can't finish 1 pull-up. At first I was a skeptic, but I'm at 5 pull-ups now and still going! I'm a believer!" Are you ready for the 20 Pull-Ups Challenge? Train your upper body/core and build up to completing 20 pull-ups with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 20 straight pull-ups after just 6 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 20 pull-ups. Can't do a single pull-up? Don't worry, there is a built-in program to help you build strength to get there! ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0 – 20 Pull Ups Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 20 Pullups in 6 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "Had trouble even doing 1 pulll-up, but this program helps train you by first holding on to the bar if you can't finish 1 pull-up. At first I was a skeptic, but I'm at 5 pull-ups now and still going! I'm a believer!" Are you ready for the 20 Pull-Ups Challenge? Train your upper body/core and build up to completing 20 pull-ups with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 20 straight pull-ups after just 6 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 20 pull-ups. Can't do a single pull-up? Don't worry, there is a built-in program to help you build strength to get there! ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
0 to 100 Push Ups Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 100 Pushups in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "Could barely do 20 pushups, but this program challenged me and got me to my goal! Easy straightforward program. Just press start and the voice coach guided me through!" Are you ready for the 100 Pushups Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 100 pushups with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 100 pushups after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 100 pushups. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0 to 100 Push Ups Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 100 Pushups in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "Could barely do 20 pushups, but this program challenged me and got me to my goal! Easy straightforward program. Just press start and the voice coach guided me through!" Are you ready for the 100 Pushups Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 100 pushups with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 100 pushups after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 100 pushups. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
0 to 100 Push Ups Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 100 Pushups in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "Could barely do 20 pushups, but this program challenged me and got me to my goal! Easy straightforward program. Just press start and the voice coach guided me through!" Are you ready for the 100 Pushups Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 100 pushups with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 100 pushups after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 100 pushups. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0 to 100 Push Ups Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 100 Pushups in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "Could barely do 20 pushups, but this program challenged me and got me to my goal! Easy straightforward program. Just press start and the voice coach guided me through!" Are you ready for the 100 Pushups Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 100 pushups with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 100 pushups after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 100 pushups. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
0 to 200 Situps Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Situps in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've tried tons of different ab workouts, but this one was my favorite. It starts out easy to give you the confidence you need to keep going. Started only being able to do about 20 situps and week 2 is already 25, but the program breaks it into smaller sets and gives you rest breaks to build your stamina gradually. I'm now at 50 situps!" Are you ready for the 200 Situps Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 200 situps with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 situps after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 situps. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0 to 200 Situps Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Situps in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've tried tons of different ab workouts, but this one was my favorite. It starts out easy to give you the confidence you need to keep going. Started only being able to do about 20 situps and week 2 is already 25, but the program breaks it into smaller sets and gives you rest breaks to build your stamina gradually. I'm now at 50 situps!" Are you ready for the 200 Situps Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 200 situps with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 situps after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 situps. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
0 to 200 Squats Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Squats in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've always hated air squats! But this program breaks it down into small sets (10-15 squats) with a 1 minute rest in between. It's amazing how it actually works when you go back and try larger sets (50 squats) continuously." Are you ready for the 200 Squats Challenge? Burn and sculpt those glutes! Train your body and build up to completing 200 squats with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 squats after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 squats. You'll be toner in a matter of weeks! ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0 to 200 Squats Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Squats in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've always hated air squats! But this program breaks it down into small sets (10-15 squats) with a 1 minute rest in between. It's amazing how it actually works when you go back and try larger sets (50 squats) continuously." Are you ready for the 200 Squats Challenge? Burn and sculpt those glutes! Train your body and build up to completing 200 squats with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 squats after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 squats. You'll be toner in a matter of weeks! ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
0-200 Situps Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Situps in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've tried tons of different ab workouts, but this one was my favorite. It starts out easy to give you the confidence you need to keep going. Started only being able to do about 20 situps and week 2 is already 25, but the program breaks it into smaller sets and gives you rest breaks to build your stamina gradually. I'm now at 50 situps!" Are you ready for the 200 Situps Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 200 situps with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 situps after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 situps. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0-200 Situps Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Situps in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've tried tons of different ab workouts, but this one was my favorite. It starts out easy to give you the confidence you need to keep going. Started only being able to do about 20 situps and week 2 is already 25, but the program breaks it into smaller sets and gives you rest breaks to build your stamina gradually. I'm now at 50 situps!" Are you ready for the 200 Situps Challenge? Train your body and build up to completing 200 situps with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 situps after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 situps. ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
0-200 Squats Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Squats in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've always hated air squats! But this program breaks it down into small sets (10-15 squats) with a 1 minute rest in between. It's amazing how it actually works when you go back and try larger sets (50 squats) continuously." Are you ready for the 200 Squats Challenge? Burn and sculpt those glutes! Train your body and build up to completing 200 squats with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 squats after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 squats. You'll be toner in a matter of weeks! ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.0-200 Squats Trainer Challenge – Zen Labs
$0.99■ Join the millions completing the Zen Challenge Series! ■ 0 to 200 Squats in 8 weeks! ■ Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Appolicious, Popsugar Fitness, Apple’s “What’s Hot”, Apple’s “New & Noteworthy”, and doctor recommended on healthTap! "I've always hated air squats! But this program breaks it down into small sets (10-15 squats) with a 1 minute rest in between. It's amazing how it actually works when you go back and try larger sets (50 squats) continuously." Are you ready for the 200 Squats Challenge? Burn and sculpt those glutes! Train your body and build up to completing 200 squats with same people that brought you the OFFICIAL #1 5K Training app C25K®. Using a proven program, you will be able to complete 200 squats after just 8 weeks! The Zen Challenge Series is tailored towards all fitness levels. From first-timers to fitness veterans, this app will build up your strength and stamina to complete 200 squats. You'll be toner in a matter of weeks! ≈ It's easy and straight forward to start ≈ 1. Just open the app and start! 2. Listen to the voice cues! ≈ Features ≈ ◎ Achieve badges and awards for finishing a workout! ◎ Intuitive user friendly interface ◎ Integrated with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram communities, so share your progress and achievements! We hope you enjoy the app and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Questions/comments regarding the app? Please email us at or visit us at ≈ Connect ≈ Forums: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Legal Disclaimer This app and any information given by it or by Zen Labs Fitness are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program. -
1 Giant Mind – Learn to Meditate – 1 Giant Mind
$0.00Learn to meditate in 12 easy steps, then take the 30 day challenge to make meditation a daily habit. Let Jonni Pollard, a master meditation teacher, take you on a journey to understand the nature of your mind. The 1 Giant Mind App is for anyone who wants to feel less stressed, more calm and present and experience greater health and wellbeing. Our approach to meditation is easy and effortless. No previous experience is required. Anyone can learn this technique in 12 short steps and begin to experience the benefits immediately. How it Works: 12 Step ‘Learn to Meditate Course’ * Start with our 12 step course * Each step only takes 15 minutes and builds upon the previous step * Step by step video and audio tutorial instruction guides through. * There’s a journal and set a reminder tool to help keep track of your progress and assist making your practice regular * In depth practical explanations to further deepen your knowledge of the technique * Access to a ‘Review your experience’ video tutorial library to help you understand your experiences * Videos can be streamed or downloaded * Unlock helpful content and rewards as you progress * Extensive FAQ library * At the end of the 12 step course you will know how to meditate anywhere, anytime and experience deeply restful and rejuvenating meditations. 30-Day Challenge * Once you have completed the 12 step course you will unlock the 30 day challenge. * Take the 30 day challenge to make meditation a daily habit * Choose the length of your daily meditation, do it with or without music and with or without guidance. * Access the journal and set a reminder tools * Unlock content and rewards to inspire you to complete the 30 day challenge. Meditation Timer * Once you have completed the 12 step course you will unlock the meditation timer. * This is a great tool to keep you on track * Choose between 10, 15 and 20 minute meditations, with or without guidance and/or music. * Choose a male or female voice to guide you Keep a journal, and set reminders. 6 Key Points of this Technique The 1 Giant Mind technique is effortless to practice This technique is perfect for people with busy minds The technique requires no concentration or controlling of thoughts It can be practiced anywhere, at anytime, sitting comfortably with your eyes closed It doesn’t require any belief system to be effective You will feel benefits immediately. What our users think “I can honestly say that since I started using your 1 Giant Mind app, my life has changed for the better. I have been so stressed and tired for the last year and began experiencing health problems. Since learning to meditate with your app, I feel so much calmer, I have much more energy in the day and I feel like I’m am finally getting on top of my health issues. I’m quite amazed at how quickly meditation can have such a positive effect.” - Tina, Victoria I’m quite skeptical at the best of times. There is no way I would have considered learning to meditate on my own. A friend told me about your app because I was experiencing a lot of anxiety and generally feeling pretty flat. Out of curiosity I tried it. It’s now been 4 weeks and I’m hooked. I feel great. I don’t feel anxious and I feel inspired to make some changes in my life for the better. There is no doubt that meditating with your app is causing this change. “ - Edward QLD 1 Giant Mind is a non-profit dedicated to delivering free Learn to Meditate programs via its smartphone app to combat the negative impact of stress, and improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians. For more information visit http://1giantmind.org1 Giant Mind – Learn to Meditate – 1 Giant Mind
$0.00Learn to meditate in 12 easy steps, then take the 30 day challenge to make meditation a daily habit. Let Jonni Pollard, a master meditation teacher, take you on a journey to understand the nature of your mind. The 1 Giant Mind App is for anyone who wants to feel less stressed, more calm and present and experience greater health and wellbeing. Our approach to meditation is easy and effortless. No previous experience is required. Anyone can learn this technique in 12 short steps and begin to experience the benefits immediately. How it Works: 12 Step ‘Learn to Meditate Course’ * Start with our 12 step course * Each step only takes 15 minutes and builds upon the previous step * Step by step video and audio tutorial instruction guides through. * There’s a journal and set a reminder tool to help keep track of your progress and assist making your practice regular * In depth practical explanations to further deepen your knowledge of the technique * Access to a ‘Review your experience’ video tutorial library to help you understand your experiences * Videos can be streamed or downloaded * Unlock helpful content and rewards as you progress * Extensive FAQ library * At the end of the 12 step course you will know how to meditate anywhere, anytime and experience deeply restful and rejuvenating meditations. 30-Day Challenge * Once you have completed the 12 step course you will unlock the 30 day challenge. * Take the 30 day challenge to make meditation a daily habit * Choose the length of your daily meditation, do it with or without music and with or without guidance. * Access the journal and set a reminder tools * Unlock content and rewards to inspire you to complete the 30 day challenge. Meditation Timer * Once you have completed the 12 step course you will unlock the meditation timer. * This is a great tool to keep you on track * Choose between 10, 15 and 20 minute meditations, with or without guidance and/or music. * Choose a male or female voice to guide you Keep a journal, and set reminders. 6 Key Points of this Technique The 1 Giant Mind technique is effortless to practice This technique is perfect for people with busy minds The technique requires no concentration or controlling of thoughts It can be practiced anywhere, at anytime, sitting comfortably with your eyes closed It doesn’t require any belief system to be effective You will feel benefits immediately. What our users think “I can honestly say that since I started using your 1 Giant Mind app, my life has changed for the better. I have been so stressed and tired for the last year and began experiencing health problems. Since learning to meditate with your app, I feel so much calmer, I have much more energy in the day and I feel like I’m am finally getting on top of my health issues. I’m quite amazed at how quickly meditation can have such a positive effect.” - Tina, Victoria I’m quite skeptical at the best of times. There is no way I would have considered learning to meditate on my own. A friend told me about your app because I was experiencing a lot of anxiety and generally feeling pretty flat. Out of curiosity I tried it. It’s now been 4 weeks and I’m hooked. I feel great. I don’t feel anxious and I feel inspired to make some changes in my life for the better. There is no doubt that meditating with your app is causing this change. “ - Edward QLD 1 Giant Mind is a non-profit dedicated to delivering free Learn to Meditate programs via its smartphone app to combat the negative impact of stress, and improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians. For more information visit -
1 Minute Workout: HIIT Routine – Ramie Chaarani
$0.997 Minute Workout was a fast way to get fit. What's even faster: THE 1 MINUTE WORKOUT 1 Minute Workout is the newest breakthrough in health & fitness research. GOOGLE IT! This app will show you how to get & stay fit, the smart way. SAVE TIME & SAVE MONEY! KEY FEATURES This app guides you through the various types of One Minute Workouts. Allow yourself to be guided through workouts with video instructions, audio cues, and text descriptions. There are 6 different workouts to choose from depending on your fitness goals and environment. Almost all of the workouts can be done anywhere, without equipment. All content is included at no additional charge and no internet connectivity needed! MIND BLOWING STUDY Doing a SINGLE MINUTE of hard exercise provides the same benefits of nearly an hour of steady aerobic exercise (published in the PLOS research journal). Also seen on CNN, Men's Fitness and USA Today, the One Minute Workout is changing how people get fit and stay in shape. WHO IS THIS FOR? 1. Busy people who don't have time to exercise. 2. Anyone who wants to get in better shape in the least amount of time. 3. People looking to break through a training plateau. 4. Athletes trying to improve performance by seconds. We understand in our "On-The-Go" society it is hard to find time to exercise. With the One Minute Workout there are NO EXCUSES. We are dedicated to our mission of making the world healthier and happier. If you have suggestions please send us feedback through the Settings tab of the app. We regularly update the app at no charge. Follow us on Instagram @1minuteworkoutapp1 Minute Workout: HIIT Routine – Ramie Chaarani
$0.997 Minute Workout was a fast way to get fit. What's even faster: THE 1 MINUTE WORKOUT 1 Minute Workout is the newest breakthrough in health & fitness research. GOOGLE IT! This app will show you how to get & stay fit, the smart way. SAVE TIME & SAVE MONEY! KEY FEATURES This app guides you through the various types of One Minute Workouts. Allow yourself to be guided through workouts with video instructions, audio cues, and text descriptions. There are 6 different workouts to choose from depending on your fitness goals and environment. Almost all of the workouts can be done anywhere, without equipment. All content is included at no additional charge and no internet connectivity needed! MIND BLOWING STUDY Doing a SINGLE MINUTE of hard exercise provides the same benefits of nearly an hour of steady aerobic exercise (published in the PLOS research journal). Also seen on CNN, Men's Fitness and USA Today, the One Minute Workout is changing how people get fit and stay in shape. WHO IS THIS FOR? 1. Busy people who don't have time to exercise. 2. Anyone who wants to get in better shape in the least amount of time. 3. People looking to break through a training plateau. 4. Athletes trying to improve performance by seconds. We understand in our "On-The-Go" society it is hard to find time to exercise. With the One Minute Workout there are NO EXCUSES. We are dedicated to our mission of making the world healthier and happier. If you have suggestions please send us feedback through the Settings tab of the app. We regularly update the app at no charge. Follow us on Instagram @1minuteworkoutapp -
1-RM –
$1.99Whether you're a competitive lifter or just want to improve your strength and fitness, your one-rep max (1RM) is an essential tool. Calculate your max safely and easily, and then track it over time, on any lift with our easy-to-use calculator! In the simplest terms, your 1RM is the amount of weight you can lift for one rep on any given lift. In general, it’s good to know your max for key lifts like the squat, bench press, and deadlift, but your 1RM is critical even if you never plan to train that heavy. Many lifting programs are designed with a percent of your rep max in mind, and may call for something like using 65% of your 1RM for a given exercise. When you see that, you have to either test for your 1RM or estimate it. Testing your 1RM can be pretty intense, and it requires a high degree of caution to avoid injury. Fortunately, you can estimate your 1RM without testing it! Exercise scientists have devised a formula that's fairly accurate for most people, which is what powers this calculator. Our calculator makes it easy to calculate and track your 1RM and multiple percentages of it for every lift in the book! Features: · Calculate your 1RM and percentages · Choose from a variety of lifts (deadlift, bench press, squat, etc.), or add your own · Track and chart your 1RM history for each type of lift · Add notes each time you calculate your 1RM · Improve your weight training with articles by experts · Choose imperial or metric system · Incredibly easy to use!1-RM –
$1.99Whether you're a competitive lifter or just want to improve your strength and fitness, your one-rep max (1RM) is an essential tool. Calculate your max safely and easily, and then track it over time, on any lift with our easy-to-use calculator! In the simplest terms, your 1RM is the amount of weight you can lift for one rep on any given lift. In general, it’s good to know your max for key lifts like the squat, bench press, and deadlift, but your 1RM is critical even if you never plan to train that heavy. Many lifting programs are designed with a percent of your rep max in mind, and may call for something like using 65% of your 1RM for a given exercise. When you see that, you have to either test for your 1RM or estimate it. Testing your 1RM can be pretty intense, and it requires a high degree of caution to avoid injury. Fortunately, you can estimate your 1RM without testing it! Exercise scientists have devised a formula that's fairly accurate for most people, which is what powers this calculator. Our calculator makes it easy to calculate and track your 1RM and multiple percentages of it for every lift in the book! Features: · Calculate your 1RM and percentages · Choose from a variety of lifts (deadlift, bench press, squat, etc.), or add your own · Track and chart your 1RM history for each type of lift · Add notes each time you calculate your 1RM · Improve your weight training with articles by experts · Choose imperial or metric system · Incredibly easy to use! -
10 Min Exercise Ball Workout: Core-Strength Moves Using A Fitness Ball (Premium) – Tone Up And Slim Down – Alexandru Paduraru
$1.99Swiss balls are more than just fun to sit and bounce on as they add variety, challenge and a new dimension to a routine—they’re a great way to improve vitality, cardio endurance, and balance. The ball will act as a surface, a weight, and an training machine in this workout, recruiting the abs, obliques, and transverse abdominis—a deep muscle that’s critical to a strong midsection and pain-free back—which most conventional routines leave untouched. Shape the body you've dreamed of with this training,carefully selected to provide a maximum of efficiency.10 Min Exercise Ball Workout: Core-Strength Moves Using A Fitness Ball (Premium) – Tone Up And Slim Down – Alexandru Paduraru
$1.99Swiss balls are more than just fun to sit and bounce on as they add variety, challenge and a new dimension to a routine—they’re a great way to improve vitality, cardio endurance, and balance. The ball will act as a surface, a weight, and an training machine in this workout, recruiting the abs, obliques, and transverse abdominis—a deep muscle that’s critical to a strong midsection and pain-free back—which most conventional routines leave untouched. Shape the body you've dreamed of with this training,carefully selected to provide a maximum of efficiency. -
10 Min PLANKS Workout Challenge PRO – Tone, Abs – Cristina Gheorghisan
$0.99Perfect abdomen, firm body, balance, strength, well defined muscles - how does this sound? Ten minutes is all it takes to get there with this 10 Min Planks Workout Challenge! The Plank is one of the most effective core exercises. This Power Plank Workout targets all the muscles of the core – abs, lower back, hips, and upper thighs. Do each exercise back to back for 30 sec with little to no rest. Start with warm up and finish with stretching. 5 Benefits of Doing Planks Planking has become increasingly popular for core strengthening, and for good reason: it works – in large part because it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. What are some of the benefits you can expect from adding this exercise to your regular routine?1 1. A Toned Belly Planking will help build your deep inner core muscles that lay the groundwork for that six-pack look. As your abdominal muscles become stronger, your mid-section will tighten. Keep in mind, however, that in order to really get "six-pack" abs, you have to shed fat. For men that would be a body fat of about 6 percent, and women around 9 percent, in order to achieve that classic six-pack. This is not necessarily healthy. 2. Reduce Back Pain Planks work for back pain because they strengthen your core, which has the pleasant “side effect” of reducing back pain. They also strengthen your back muscles, especially those in your upper back. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE):2 “Because the plank exercise requires minimal movement while contracting all layers of the abdominal fascia, it is an excellent way to strengthen the core, which, in turn, helps reduce low-back pain.” 3. Flexibility While building strength, planks also increase flexibility in your posterior muscle groups. The muscles around your shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades will expand and stretch (an area that often receives little attention), as will your hamstrings and even the arches of your feet and your toes. If you do a side plank, you can also stretch out your sides (especially if you extend your arm up over your head in line with your body). To increase the stretching benefits, try a rocking plank – once in basic plank form, rock your body back and forth by moving your toes a few inches either way.3 4. Improve Your Mood Virtually every exercise has the potential to give you a mood boost, and planks are no exception. Planks are unique, however, in that they help stretch and ultimately relax muscles groups that often become stiff and tense from prolonged sitting. The tension release that planks provide is uplifting for your spirit. 5. Improve Your Balance and Posture To do a plank correctly, you must engage your abs to stay upright. Side planks or planks with extensions are particularly beneficial for building balance, as are planks performed on a stability ball. To test and strengthen your balance, try a side plank with a leg raise – get into side plank position, then lift your top leg and hold for one count. Lower it and repeat, then switch sides.4 In addition, planks work all the muscles you need to maintain proper posture, like your back, chest, shoulders, abs, and neck. If you do planks regularly, you’ll find you’re able to sit or stand up straighter with ease.10 Min PLANKS Workout Challenge PRO – Tone, Abs – Cristina Gheorghisan
$0.99Perfect abdomen, firm body, balance, strength, well defined muscles - how does this sound? Ten minutes is all it takes to get there with this 10 Min Planks Workout Challenge! The Plank is one of the most effective core exercises. This Power Plank Workout targets all the muscles of the core – abs, lower back, hips, and upper thighs. Do each exercise back to back for 30 sec with little to no rest. Start with warm up and finish with stretching. 5 Benefits of Doing Planks Planking has become increasingly popular for core strengthening, and for good reason: it works – in large part because it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. What are some of the benefits you can expect from adding this exercise to your regular routine?1 1. A Toned Belly Planking will help build your deep inner core muscles that lay the groundwork for that six-pack look. As your abdominal muscles become stronger, your mid-section will tighten. Keep in mind, however, that in order to really get "six-pack" abs, you have to shed fat. For men that would be a body fat of about 6 percent, and women around 9 percent, in order to achieve that classic six-pack. This is not necessarily healthy. 2. Reduce Back Pain Planks work for back pain because they strengthen your core, which has the pleasant “side effect” of reducing back pain. They also strengthen your back muscles, especially those in your upper back. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE):2 “Because the plank exercise requires minimal movement while contracting all layers of the abdominal fascia, it is an excellent way to strengthen the core, which, in turn, helps reduce low-back pain.” 3. Flexibility While building strength, planks also increase flexibility in your posterior muscle groups. The muscles around your shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades will expand and stretch (an area that often receives little attention), as will your hamstrings and even the arches of your feet and your toes. If you do a side plank, you can also stretch out your sides (especially if you extend your arm up over your head in line with your body). To increase the stretching benefits, try a rocking plank – once in basic plank form, rock your body back and forth by moving your toes a few inches either way.3 4. Improve Your Mood Virtually every exercise has the potential to give you a mood boost, and planks are no exception. Planks are unique, however, in that they help stretch and ultimately relax muscles groups that often become stiff and tense from prolonged sitting. The tension release that planks provide is uplifting for your spirit. 5. Improve Your Balance and Posture To do a plank correctly, you must engage your abs to stay upright. Side planks or planks with extensions are particularly beneficial for building balance, as are planks performed on a stability ball. To test and strengthen your balance, try a side plank with a leg raise – get into side plank position, then lift your top leg and hold for one count. Lower it and repeat, then switch sides.4 In addition, planks work all the muscles you need to maintain proper posture, like your back, chest, shoulders, abs, and neck. If you do planks regularly, you’ll find you’re able to sit or stand up straighter with ease.